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V. Goran, M.B.A., M.D.

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Women in cultures without contraception are pregnant or lactating (breastfeeding) for much of their reproductive lives diabetes mellitus quiz for nurses generic repaglinide 2mg without a prescription, resulting in 100 or so menstrual cycles per lifetime diabetes type 2 urine order repaglinide 2mg line. Women may also choose to use oral contraceptives or other hormonal methods to control reproduction type 2 diabetes diet uk buy repaglinide 0.5mg amex. Age at menopause (the cessation of menstrual cycles) is constant at 50­55 years old across human populations diabetes xanax purchase 0.5 mg repaglinide with amex. For Western women, this translates into forty years of nearly continuous menstrual cycling between menarche and menopause. Each month the body prepares for a pregnancy that never occurs, increasing cell divisions that put women at risk for cancers of the breast, endometrium, ovaries, and uterus (Strassmann 1999). Obesity adds to this risk, as obese women have greater proportions of bioavailable estrogen (Eaton et al. In obese and overweight postmenopausal women, adipose (fat) tissues are the main source of estrogen biosynthesis. Thus, weight gain during the postmenopausal stage means higher exposure to estrogen and greater risk of cancer (Ali 2014). Factors associated with reduced risk of reproductive cancers are late menarche, early first birth, high numbers of pregnancies, early menopause, and breastfeeding. Again, humans cannot return to our evolutionary past, and there are important social and economic reasons for delaying pregnancy and having fewer children. These include achieving educational and career goals, leading to greater earning power and a reduction in the gender pay gap, as well as more enduring marriages and a decrease in the number of women needing public assistance (Sonfield et al. There are also cultural means by which we might reduce the risk of reproductive cancers that do not involve increases in family size. These include reformulating hormonal contraceptives with enough estrogen to maintain bone density and stave off osteoporosis, but reducing the number of menstrual periods over the reproductive lifespan (Stearns et al. Reducing fat intake may also lower serum estrogen concentrations, while high-fat diets have been shown to contribute to breast tumor development. High-fiber 598 Contemporary Topics: Human Biology and Health diets are also beneficial in decreasing intestinal resorption of estrogenic hormones. Exercise also appears protective, with studies of former college athletes demonstrating risks of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers later in life two to five times lower than those of non-athletes (Eaton et al. Given your interest in human evolution, have you ever wondered about the Paleo diet? Popularized by the 2002 book, the Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat, by professor of nutrition and exercise physiology Loren Cordain, the Paleo diet is an eating plan based on the idea that eating like our ancestors is protective against weight gain, metabolic disorders, and other maladies of modern life. Its publication spawned an entire industry of diets, exercise plans, cookbooks, and other products based on the "Paleolithic prescription. Protein in the Paleo diet consists of lean meats (including organ meats), fish, and seafood. The meat should be grass- not grain-fed, and the fish should be wild caught, not farmed. All fruits are included in the diet, but only nonstarchy vegetables make the cut, meaning no tubers like potatoes. The recommended carbohydrates have a low Glycemic Index, meaning they are more slowly digested and metabolised causing a lower, slower rise in blood glucose and insulin levels. There are also no cereals, no legumes (beans), no dairy products, no processed foods, no refined sugars (including honey), and no added salt. The primary fats in the diet are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fats, rather than the trans fats and saturated fats most often found in contemporary diets (Cordain 2002). Particular attention is given to counteracting what many people think of as high-protein foods. Hamburger, eggs, and cheese, which are 24%, 34%, and 28% protein, respectively, are off the list, as opposed to skinless turkey breast (94% protein) and shrimp (90%). There is also the idea that current Western diets are more acidic than alkaline, reducing calcium levels in the body by promoting excretion of calcium in the urine.

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Because threshold (T) and upper stimulation levels can be affected by the processing/coding strategy used treatment for diabetes type 2 cheap 2 mg repaglinide amex, it is important to set the processing/coding strategy prior to obtaining information used to establish the electrical dynamic range diabetes short definition buy repaglinide 1mg overnight delivery. Common clinical practice varies regarding measurement of all or a subset of electrodes for creation of an adequate program diabetes mellitus gpc buy repaglinide 1 mg on-line. Obtaining accurate psychophysical measures of loudness and pitch is likely to improve recipient performance with the cochlear implant diabetes mellitus type 2 borderline cheap repaglinide 1mg with amex. Several measures can be completed to obtain psychophysical responses from the recipient. Behavioral measurement of threshold (T) stimulation levels (a) T-levels should be established using procedures similar to those used when performing threshold audiometry. For those who use cochlear implant devices that do not require measurement May change default parameters (strategy, rate, pulse duration, etc. Both prelingually deafened adults and young children may demonstrate a limited ability to provide reliable behavioral feedback necessary to establish the electrical dynamic range. Therefore, programming may need to rely more heavily on objective measures to ensure proper device function and appropriate sound-processor settings. Programming with equal loudness percepts across channels results in improved sound quality and speech recognition when compared to programs with unbalanced stimulation levels. Electrodes that are enabled should provide increasing pitch perception as the electrode location progresses from apical to basal cochlear place. Electrodes that are reported by the recipient as deviating from this organization and/or those that are not perceived as differing in pitch may be considered for deactivation in programming. When placing programs in the sound processor memory, the most effective program is the one that requires minimal manipulation. Discussion of external device care, including proper use and maintenance of all components of the external equipment. Discussion of different programs provided (if applicable) and when they should be used. The report(s) can provide useful information regarding the number and the integrity of electrodes inserted intracochlearly. Check skin flap (skin between the headpiece and the internal magnet) integrity to ensure no irritation or tissue breakdown. Electrode impedances should be 2 measured as frequently as possible, at least during appointments where a 9 change to programming is made, and compared across multiple visits to evaluate any sudden or slow changes in electrode function over time. Electrodes that intermittently present as short or open circuits should be programmed out of the map, as this may be a sign of impending permanent electrode failure. Current literature available regarding the number of inactive electrodes required to consider device failure and subsequent revision surgery is unclear. Because threshold and upper stimulation levels can be affected by the processing/coding strategy used, it is important to set the processing/coding strategy prior to obtaining information used to establish the electrical dynamic range. Establish electrical dynamic range on all or a selected subset of electrodes via psychophysical measurements of threshold (T) and upper stimulation level and/or physiological measurements. Overestimating upper stimulation levels may result in discomfort and aversion to the device, as well as negatively impacting speech recognition and sound quality. Programming with equal loudness percepts across channels will likely result in improved sound quality. Electrodes that are reported by the recipient as deviating from this organization and/or those that are not perceived as differing in pitch should be disabled in programming. Use of electrically evoked compound action potentials for cochlear implant fitting: A systematic review. Programming cochlear implant stimulation levels in infants and children with a combination of objective measures. Changes in electrical stimulation and electrode impedance values in children with the Nucleus 24M cochlear implant. Using electrically evoked auditory reflex thresholds to fit the Clarion cochlear implant. Evaluation of electrically elicited stapedius reflex threshold measured through three different cochlear implant systems. The relationship between electrical acoustic reflex thresholds and behavioral comfort levels in children and adult cochlear implant patients.

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Knowledge about sex differences in areas such as epidemiology diabete 97 discount repaglinide 1mg line, coping diabetes prevention china quality 2 mg repaglinide, and treatment response has direct practical implications; knowing nothing else about a particular man metabolic disease laboratory uab repaglinide 1mg fast delivery, except that he is male managing diabetes chart generic repaglinide 1 mg amex, we can make some tentative predictions about his depression. Evidence the Sex Differences Framework the sex differences framework rests on the assumption that depression exists as the same illness in men and women, although there may be minor phenotypic variations. For example, clinical literature often suggests What evidence is there that men express depression differently than women? First, it has been clear for some time that men are roughly half as likely as women to be diagnosed with major depression. Although it is possible that the ratio is inflated due to sex differences in rates of help-seeking for depression, large-scale epidemiological studies that utilize cold-calling of stratified samples do not rely on prevalence estimates based on treated cases. These studies still yield findings suggesting approximately a 2:1 female-to-male ratio. For example, it is possible that the greater prevalence of substance use disorders in men may reflect, at least partially, the presence of underlying depression. Excluding the possibility that some men may mask depression or express it differently than women, two possibilities that I consider later in this article, the majority of evidence suggests that men are in fact less likely to experience depression as it is currently conceptualized and measured (see Kessler, 2000, for a review). What evidence is there that men respond to depression differently than women once they experience it? The range of possible differences explored is immense and includes coping, perceived causes, treatment response, comorbidity, etiology, hormonal and neurochemical factors, and a host of other potential differences. Many of the relevant findings come from secondary analyses of existing data sets in epidemiological or treatment outcome studies. For all of these reasons, my analysis of the literature is focused on the broad question of whether there is consistent evidence of differences in the way men and women experience, express, and respond to depression. It is safe to say that the sheer number of studies devoted to analyzing sex differences in depression far surpasses the reliable findings that these studies have generated. First, men may be less likely than women to ruminate in response to depressed mood and more likely to distract themselves (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002). Second, men are less likely than women to seek help for depression (Addis & Mahalik, 2003). There is therefore some evidence that men and women differ on average in the frequency with which they experience depression and in how they respond to the disorder. It should be noted that none of these findings pertain to differences in the expression of the disorder per se. Studies focusing on differences in symptom expression have produced inconsistent findings at best. For example, contrary to existing clinical literature, Winkler, Pjrerk, and Siegried (2005) found no consistent evidence that men experience greater anger or somatic symptoms when they are depressed. In contrast, Vrendenburg, Krames, and Flett (1986) found that within a clinical population of patients receiving treatment, men were characterized by lack of satisfaction, suicidal ideation, work inhibition, somatic problems, and indecisiveness. Women reported more self-dislike, crying, distorted body image, fatigability, and irritability. Men were more likely to report insomnia and agitation, while women were more likely to report fatigue, hypersomnia, and psychomotor retardation. In contrast, one large study of 498 patients diagnosed as depressed revealed no sex differences in symptom patterns (Young, Scheftner, Fawcett, & Klerman, 1990). Critique Overall, there appear to be no consistent differences in the specific symptoms men and women endorse. Few of the existing differences documented in specific studies have been replicated. Moreover, the ease of analyzing sex differences in existing data sets, combined with the file drawer problem (Rotton, Foos,Van Meerk, & Levitt, 1995), makes it safe to assume that many more null findings of no difference have gone unpublished. It should be noted, however, that the bulk of published studies were not well designed to detect the sorts of sex differences hypothesized in clinical literature. Some authors have suggested that many men express depression in ways that are not captured by existing interviews and self-report measures. In contrast, studies of clinical populations have included patients who have already been diagnosed as depressed and have been selected precisely because they reveal typical symptoms of depression. Although this does not rule out the possibility of sex differences in patterns of symptoms, it does preclude studying those men who may be experiencing an episode of depression that, for a variety of reasons, goes unrecognized by themselves and/or healthcare professionals. In support of this possibility, some studies have shown that existing depression measures show less concurrent validity for men than for women and, therefore, may be less accurate in detecting depression in men (Allen-Burge, Storandt, Kinscherf, & Rubin, 1993; Berard, Boermeester, Hartman, & Rust, 1997; Jolly, Wiesner, Wherry, Jolly, & Dykman, 1994).

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Cashmere and mohair production is based on straight-breeding of the respective breeds diabetes type 1 care plan nursing buy cheap repaglinide 0.5 mg on line. At present diabetes test yourself purchase repaglinide 2mg online, the goal is to breed for more robust and efficient animals to meet different environmental conditions diabetes prevention support center generic repaglinide 0.5mg fast delivery. This implies finding an adequate strategy to deal with genotype Ч environment interaction blood glucose level 60 discount repaglinide 1 mg on-line, and the placing of more emphasis on secondary traits which have up to the present been of negligible economic importance. This means not only improving the sanitary status in breeding farms, but also selecting for general disease resistance under commercial conditions. As in the case of ruminants, there are some difficulties involved in implementing efficient selection for "functional" traits. There are still no appropriate tools to select for better resistance to diseases or to reduce metabolic disorders. Stress recording methods need to be improved ­ for example, through the use of non-invasive methods for measuring stress-indicating parameters, determination of catecholamine levels, and heart-rate recording on under-skin chips. Improved knowledge of the cognitive abilities and coping strategies of pigs might enable individual characteristics to become indicative of ability to adapt to various housing conditions and social challenges, and could be included in selection criteria. Additionally, there is a need for further assessment of the impact of selection for specific disease resistance and welfare objectives. Over several decades, breeding programmes were refined, and more and more traits were included in the selection objectives. Today, the main selection objectives are: the number of saleable eggs per hen housed per year, efficiency of converting feed into eggs, external and internal egg quality, and adaptability to different environments (for more details see Table 101). For poultry meat, substantial genetic improvements in terms of market weight at a younger age and correlated feed efficiency have been achieved by simple mass selection for juvenile growth rate and "conformation". During the last two decades, the emphasis of selection has shifted increasingly to traits that are of primary importance to processing plants ­ breast meat yield, total carcass value, efficiency of lean meat production, uniformity of product, and low mortality and condemnation rates. The development of specialized male and female lines, and the introduction of controlled feeding of parents, are effective tools to overcome the negative correlation between juvenile growth rate and reproductive traits. Primary breeding companies have eliminated egg-transmitted disease agents such as leucosis virus, mycoplasms and Salmonella from their elite stock, and continue to monitor freedom from these problems. In the field of animal welfare, the main challenges for breeders are to adapt laying hens to alternative management systems ­ for example, to reduce feather pecking and cannibalism in non-cage systems (pecking and cannibalism are also serious problems for turkeys and waterfowl), and to reduce the incidence of cardio-vascular insufficiencies (sudden death syndrome and ascites) and leg problems in broilers and turkeys. However, the causes of these problems are probably multifactorial, and further research is required. Organization and evolution of pig and poultry breeding sectors the modern poultry industry has a typical hierarchical structure with several distinct tiers. Breeding companies based mainly in Europe and North America, with subsidiaries in major production regions, own the pure lines. They have to keep the whole production chain in mind ­ hatcheries, egg and meat poultry growers, processing plants, retailers and consumers. They receive either parents or grandparents from the breeders as day-old chicks, and produce the final crosses for egg producers and broiler, turkey or duck growers. Today, egg processing plants, slaughterhouses and feed suppliers have developed contractual relationships with egg producers and poultry growers, which provide the latter with better financial security, but at the cost of reduced initiative and freedom. For example, a pig producer will typically obtain the "commercial" animals by mating sows from a specialized dam line and boars from a specialized sire line ­ both genders being bought from the breeding company (and not from a multiplier as in poultry). In contrast to poultry, there are still breeding associations for pigs, and national genetic evaluation is performed. While genetic evaluations for the large breeding companies may be performed in-house, genetic evaluations at the pure-breed level are conducted by governmental institutions. In poultry, for example, only two to three groups of primary breeders account for about 90 percent of the layers, broilers and turkeys produced annually. The recent entry of the giant Monsanto into this sector is a clear indication of this tendency. Because of the competitive nature of the business and the high level of investment, "commercial" breeding companies are usually at the forefront in the application of technologies. These leading companies are on the verge of incorporating genomic information in their breeding programmes, at a time when many breeders are merely discussing the feasibility of the approach.