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Q. Narkam, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor, New York University School of Medicine

Transfer all contents to trough and cover with 50 mL Trough Lid (Exact Sciences cholesterol in organic free range eggs purchase 160mg fenofibrate free shipping, 100072) cholesterol test preparation buy 160mg fenofibrate with visa. Mix by inverting bottle 10 times high cholesterol levels nz fenofibrate 160 mg cheap, then transfer 200 mL to trough and cover with Trough Lid (Exact Sciences cholesterol definition for biology cheap 160mg fenofibrate with visa, 100071). When loading tips, Tip inventory should be updated when the tip tray becomes highlighted by a blinking red box on the screen. A blue filled circle indicates that the user has verified that a tip is present in the corresponding tray location. After all required reagents, samples, and controls have been loaded, the automated method begins. During the method, liquid transfer verification is used by the software to monitor the transfer of reagents and samples. The Messages box displays status notifications during the run, such as approximate end time of incubation steps. As the carrier is reloaded, all reagents in the carrier are scanned and checked against the barcodes scanned at the start of the run. If the barcodes do not match, the carrier is unloaded and the user prompted to correct the reagent placement. File name must match the plate barcode exactly in order to link assay runs for data analysis. Hemoglobin Assay Supplemental Lot Information (Exact Sciences, 200219) is used with Exact Sciences System Software to enter calibration and lot information for the Hemoglobin Assay. The assay also requires the hemoglobin controls from the Cologuard Hemoglobin Control Kit (Exact Sciences, 100073) and entry of the Cologuard Hemoglobin Control Kit Supplemental Lot Information (Exact Sciences, 200313). Remove Hemoglobin Assay Reagents, including Hb Calibrator (Exact Sciences, 100031) and Hemoglobin controls from Cologuard Hemoglobin Control Kit (100073), from storage. Thirty minutes after equilibration begins, reconstitute the Hemoglobin Assay Calibrator (Exact Sciences, 200146) and Hemoglobin Assay Controls 1-3 (Exact Sciences 100073) each with 1. Replace stoppers and invert to ensure any material on the rubber stopper is fully reconstituted. Vortex to reconstitute Hemoglobin Assay Calibrator and Hemoglobin Assay Controls 1-3 (Exact Sciences, 100073) at highest setting for 10 seconds. Inspect Hemoglobin Assay Wash Concentrate (Exact Sciences, 200145) for precipitate. Prepare Hemoglobin Assay Wash by performing a 10-fold dilution of the Hemoglobin Assay Wash Concentrate (Exact Sciences 200145). For each plate processed, combine 50 mL of Hemoglobin Assay Wash Concentrate with 450 mL of deionized or higher grade water. If stool sample remains, vortex at highest speed until grooves of the probe are void of stool sample. Place the Tubes with foil side up into the carriers working back to front, left to right. Load all six carriers regardless of the number of samples, placing empty carriers to the right of loaded carriers. Transfer the peel-off barcode from the buffer bottle to a clean 50 mL trough, mix by inversion and transfer all contents to the trough. Load 4 uncapped mixing tubes (Exact Sciences, 200152) for calibrator dilution into the appropriate positions on the deck. Wash Hemoglobin Assay Plate When adding reagents to the hemoglobin plate, add to each column using an 8-channel pipette. Automated Hemoglobin Plate Setup procedure must be started within 10 minutes after wash steps are completed. After the end of the 60-minute equilibration period, immediately before automated hemoglobin plate setup, wash the Hemoglobin Assay Plate (Exact Sciences, 200142) five times using the prepared Hemoglobin Assay Wash. Add 250 µL of prepared Hemoglobin Assay Wash to each well using an 8-channel pipette.


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The lymphatic trunks connect with larger structures called lymphatic ducts which connect with the venous system at the subclavian veins is cholesterol in shrimp good discount fenofibrate 160mg with visa. The jugular cholesterol levels elevated fenofibrate 160 mg discount, subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks connect to either the right internal jugular cholesterol lowering supplement cheap 160 mg fenofibrate mastercard, right subclavian cholesterol lowering diet recommendations best fenofibrate 160mg, or right brachiocephalic trunk. The drainage of lymph fluid is therefore asymmetrical with respect to the arrangement of the right lymphatic and thoracic duct. In other words the right lymphatic duct drains the right side of the head, neck and trunk while the thoracic duct drains the left side of the head, neck and trunk as well as both lower extremities. In some cases the intestinal and lumbar trunks merge to form a sac like structure called the cisterna chili. The organs contain lymphatic tissue consisting primarily of white blood cells known as macrophages and lymphocytes as well as some other types of cells. Activation of the immune system causes these cells to divide and attach pathogens. White blood cells connect with these fibers so that fluid moving through the tissue is exposed to the cells. The spleen is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdominal area generally close to the diaphragm and is about as large as an adult fist (fig. The inner portion has a trabeculated structure containing areas of red and white pulp. White pulp consists of lymphatic tissue associated with arteries within lymphatic organs. Bruce Forciea Page 470 the thymus is a gland located just deep to the sternum in the superior portion of the mediastinum(fig. Early in life the thymus is larger and decreases in size with age although it continues to produce white blood cells. Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system: Transports dietary fats Transports interstitial fluid Contains white blood cells that function in immunity Balances acids and bases 2. Cuboidal epithelium Reticular connective Simple squamous epithelium Simple columnar epithelium Which of the following is not a common location for lymph nodes: Axilla Cervical Pectoral Crural Which lymphatic duct drains the right leg: Thoracic Right lymphatic Left lymphatic Cervical the lymphatic system connects with the circulatory system at: Carotid arteries Jugular veins Subclavian veins Femoral arteries 6. Lymphatic tissue residing in mucous membranes of organs Lymphatic tissue in lymph nodes Located in the axillary region Pre-cancerous tissue found throughout the lymphatic system Dr. Bruce Forciea Page 474 Immunity Our immune systems offer us protection against a world full of pathogens. In non-specific immunity our bodies present the same kinds of defense systems regardless of the type of pathogens. Before birth the body inventories all of the cells and tissues of the body and classifies them as "self" cells. Non-Specific Defense Non-specific defense (innate immunity) consists of mechanisms that either keep pathogens out or destroy them regardless of their type. Non-specific defense includes mechanical barriers, chemical substances, cells and inflammation. Besides presenting a physical barrier that stops pathogens they also work to remove substances from the surface of membranes. Examples include the movement of mucous moving substances toward the digestive tract and tears washing substances from the eyes. For example, mucous from the respiratory tract moves toward the pharynx and esophagus where it is swallowed. Upon reaching the digestive tract pathogens are destroyed by powerful digestive enzymes. Cytokines are a series of protein substances secreted by cells that work to destroy pathogens. Interferons are cytokines that bind to cells causing them to produce substances that inhibit viral replication. Interferons can also activate other immune cells such as macrophages and natural killer cells.

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