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By: A. Dan, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Professor, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine

Stress Ulcer this refers to an ulcer or more commonly multiple ulcers that develop during physiologic stress of serious illness 9 medications that can cause heartburn purchase captopril 25 mg otc. Pathogenesis Pathogenesis is related to a decrease in mucosal blood flow or a breakdown in mucosal defence mechanism symptoms breast cancer captopril 25 mg on-line. Secondary changes (folds radiating from ulcer crater and deformities in the region secondary to spasm symptoms dizziness nausea discount 25mg captopril, oedema and scarring) symptoms 0f colon cancer buy captopril 25mg low cost. Abdomen 289 Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Ulcer this depends on the site, size, location and presence or absence of duodenal ulcer. Co-existence of Duodenal Ulcer If gastric ulcer is present along with a duodenal ulcer, it is highly unlikely to be malignant. The drug is started with a dose of 60 mg/day and then gradually tapered to 20 mg/day as symptoms subside. Endoscopic Differentiation between Benign and Malignant Ulcer Signs of Malignancy. Effaced, interrupted, fused or nodular mucosal folds as they approach the margin of the crater. The mucosal folds, as they approach the edge of the ulcer crater, are seen to be smooth and symmetrical. Aluminium containing antacid Short-term treatment 30 ml 1 and 3 hours after a meal and at bedtime 30 ml 1 and 3 hours after a meal and at bedtime 800 mg at night or 400 mg bd Maintenance treatment Not recommended Not recommended Side effects Diarrhoea Constipation H2 receptor antagonist 1. Ranitidine Nizatidine Famotidine 300 mg at night or 150 mg bd 300 mg at night or 150 mg bd 40 mg at night or 20 mg bd 50 mg bd 2 grams bd 150 mg at night 150 mg at night 20 mg at night Delays elimination of warfarin, phenytoin and theophylline and should not be used concurrently with these drugs. Both effects reversible on stopping the drug Reversible confusion Sweating, urticaria, somnolence (all rare, none serious) Headache, dizziness, dry mouth (all rare, none serious). Negative cardiac inotropic effect Dry mouth, blurred vision Reduces absorption of warfarin, phenytoin, tetracycline, digoxin Abortifacient activity. Induces significant hypergastrinaemia, bacterial overgrowth Anti-cholinergics Pirenzepine * Site-protective drug Sucralfate Cytoprotective drug 1. Enprostil Not recommended Not recommended 200 mg 4 times daily 35 mg 2 times daily 20 mg once daily for 4-8 weeks 30 mg once daily for 4-8 weeks 40 mg/d 20 mg/d Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not required Not required Proton pump inhibit or Omeprazole Lansoprazole Pantoprazole Rabeprazole * It is known as a site protective agent as it forms a protective covering over the ulcer and promotes its healing Sucralfate should not be combined with antacids, as it is active only in acidic medium. Inflammatory bowel disease (as this may be associated with duodenal lesions mimicking a duodenal ulcer) H. Perforated viscus suspected Patient in shock Combative or uncooperative patient Severe inflammatory bowel disease or toxic megacolon (colonoscopy). Haematochezia It is the passage of red or maroon blood from the rectum, usually signifies bleeding from a source distal to the ligament of Treitz. In case of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, due to a variceal bleed, endoscopic injection of sclerosants (sclerotherapy) of oesophageal varices is the most widely accepted therapeutic oesophagogastroduodenoscopic procedure. Stenting procedure can be done, thereby providing a lumen through the stent for feeding patients with mechanical obstruction to oesophagus causing dysphagia. Perforation of viscus Bleeding Cardiac arrhythmias Reaction to medication (sclerosants) Vasovagal reaction Pulmonary aspiration. Early sign of cessation of bleeding and restoration of blood volume is return of the normal heart rate. Aetiology Duodenal ulcer 35% Gastric ulcer 20% Acute gastritis (drugs) Erosion/haemorrhagic gastritis 20% Mallory-Weiss syndrome 5% Gastric carcinoma 5% Oesophageal varices 10% Others 5% (Leiomyoma, haemophilia, thrombocytopenia, EhlersDanlos syndrome, rupture of aorta into stomach, anticoagulants) Gastrointestinal Bleeding Haematemesis It is defined as the vomiting of fresh blood, either bright red or of coffee ground character. Melaena It is a tarry black, sticky, foul smelling stool (Other stool darkeners are iron and bismuth). A score of more than 6 is said to be an indication for surgery Laboratory Findings 1. Complete blood count: Mild leucocytosis and thrombocytosis develop within 6 hrs after the onset of bleeding. Introduction of a nasogastric tube for assessment of the quantity and duration of bleed and can also be used for therapeutic cold water lavage in an attempt to arrest the bleed 6.

The hair cells of the maculae are covered by the otolithic membrane treatment 34690 diagnosis effective 25 mg captopril, or otolith medicine 657 captopril 25mg online, which is composed of calcium carbonate crystals embedded in a gelatinous matrix symptoms stomach ulcer order captopril 25 mg visa. The sensory cells of the cristae are covered by a sail-shaped gelatinous mass called a cupula medicine 877 order captopril 25 mg with amex. The labyrinthine semicircular canals transduce angular movements of the head, and the otoliths transduce linear movement. The central fibers from the cells of the spiral and vestibular ganglia are united in a common trunk, which enters the cranial cavity through the internal auditory meatus (accompanied by the facial and intermediate nerves). They traverse the cerebellopontine angle and enter the brainstem at the junction of the pons and medulla. The cochlear fibers bifurcate and terminate almost at once in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei. The fibers from each cochlear nucleus pursue separate crossing and ascending pathways; they pass to both inferior colliculi (mainly to the opposite side) via the lateral lemnisci. Secondary acoustic fibers project via the trapezoid body and lateral lemniscus to the medial geniculate bodies, a special component of the thalamic sensory system. Some fibers terminate in the trapezoid body and superior olivary complex and subserve such reflex functions as auditory attention, sound localization, auditory startle, and oculopostural orientation to sound. Both excitatory and inhibitory neurons are located at every level of these pathways. At all levels there are strong commissural connections through which auditory signals come to be represented bilaterally in the cerebrum. From the medial geniculate bodies, fibers project to the cortex via the auditory radiations-relatively compact bundles that course ventrolaterally through the posterior parts of the putamens before dispersing and ending in the transverse gyri of Heschl and other auditory cortical areas (Tanaka et al). The auditory cortical field comprises the superior temporal gyrus and the upper bank of the sylvian fissure (Brodmann area 41; see page 387), or primary auditory cortex, and the surrounding secondary and tertiary cortices in the adjacent temporal lobe. The right ear, viewed from the front, showing the external ear and auditory canal, the middle ear and its ossicles, and the inner ear. The perilymph is located between the wall of the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth. In the cochlea, the perilymphatic space takes the form of two coiled tubes- the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. The endolymph is located within the membranous labyrinth, which includes the three semicircular canals, utricle, and saccule. This is the end organ of hearing; it consists of a single row of inner hair cells and three rows of outer hair cells. Diagram of a crista ampulla, the specialized sensory epithelium of a semicircular canal. The direction of head rotation is indicated by the large arrow, and endolymph flow by the small arrow. Note that the tips of the hair cells are in contact with the otoliths (calcareous material), which are embedded in a gelatinous mass called the cupula. Bilateral temporal lobe lesions involving the geniculocortical fasciculi result in cortical deafness, although such lesions are rare; unilateral cortical lesions do not affect hearing, but defects in function such dichotic listening can be detected by specialized tests. At several levels of these ascending fiber systems, there is feedback to lower structures. The vestibular fibers of the eighth nerve terminate in the four vestibular nuclei: superior (Bechterew), lateral (Deiters), medial (triangular, or Schwalbe), and inferior (spinal, or descending). In addition, some of the fibers from the semicircular canals project directly to the cerebellum via the juxtarestiform body and terminate in the flocculonodular lobe and adjacent vermian cortex (these structures are therefore called the "vestibulocerebellum," as noted in Chap. Efferent fibers from this portion of the cerebellar cortex, in turn, project ipsilaterally to the vestibular nuclei and to the fastigial nucleus; fibers from the fastigial nucleus project back to the contralateral vestibular nuclei, again via the juxtarestiform body. Thus each side of the cerebellum exerts an influence on the vestibular nuclei of both sides. The lateral and medial vestibular nuclei also have important connections with the spinal cord, mainly via the uncrossed lateral vestibulospinal tract and the crossed and uncrossed medial vestibulospinal tracts. Presumably, vestibular effects on posture are mediated via these pathways- the axial muscles being acted upon predominantly by the medial vestibulospinal tract, and the limb muscles by the lateral tract. The nuclei of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves come under the influence of the vestibular nuclei through the projection pathways, mainly the medial longitudinal fasciculus described in Chap.

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In loculated effusions medications for bipolar disorder buy captopril 25 mg on-line, streptokinase 2 medications for osteoporosis purchase 25 mg captopril with visa,50 medicine pill identification cheap 25mg captopril with amex,000 units or urokinase 100 symptoms when quitting smoking order 25mg captopril free shipping,000 units should be injected intrapleurally to dissolve fibrin membranes. Predisposing Factors Alcohol, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, carcinoma, heroin addicts, steroid therapy. Clinical Features Clinical manifestations are fever, malaise, loss of weight, dyspnoea, features of pleural effusion, finger clubbing and intercostal tenderness. Empyema usually points at an intercostal space, close to the sternum where chest wall is thinnest. Chest X-ray-shows fluid in pleural space; sometimes loculated effusion is seen as a D-shaped shadow in lateral film. Control of infections with appropriate antibiotics (aminoglycosides penetrate less well or they may be inactivated by the infected pleural fluid) 2. Tube thoracostomy fails -if the pus is too thick, -if a bronchopleural fistula develops -if the pus is loculated. Thoracostomy with decortication: this procedure is done if tube thoracostomy fails and when the patient is surgically fit. The fibrous wall (rind, peel, cortex) of empyema cavity is stripped off the parietal and visceral pleura. Open drainage with rib resection is done if the patient is unfit for decortication. Direct extension of infection from adjacent site (bronchiectasis, lung abscess, pneumonia) 2. Organisms Gram-positive organisms are common when empyema develops secondary to pneumonia. Gram-negative organisms are common when empyema develops secondary to gastro-oesophageal and thoracic surgery. Malignant Effusions Malignant effusions commonly occur in carcinoma of lung, breast and lymphomas. Respiratory System 255 Chylothorax When thoracic duct is disrupted and chyle accumulates in pleural space, chylothorax occurs. When the lesion is above D5 level, a left sided chylothorax occurs and if the lesion is below D5 level, a right sided chylothorax results. Addition of ethylether to a sample of the turbid pleural fluid clears it by dissolving triglyceride if it is a chylous effusion. Demonstration of cholesterol crystals on a smear + history + a negative dye or radio iodine test can differentiate pseudochylous effusion from chylothorax. Tube thoracostomy is contraindicated as it may lead to malnutrition and immunodeficiency. Pancreatitis Pericardial inflammation Oesophageal rupture Left sided subdiaphragmatic abscess Thoracic duct involvement above D5 level. If the haematocrit of the pleural fluid is greater than 50% that of the peripheral blood, the patient has a haemothorax. Do not aspirate more than 1000 ml of fluid in one sitting as it may lead to re-expansion of pulmonary oedema. Spontaneous Pneumothorax Spontaneous pneumothorax is one which occurs without antecedent trauma to the thorax. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax: There is no underlying lung disease or sub-clinical disease and 50% recurs. This is treated by ovulation suppressing drugs, surgical exploration or pleurodesis. Complications Acute: Tension pneumothorax, bilateral pneumothorax, acute respiratory failure, haemothorax and pyothorax. Bilateral pneumothorax is rare and cannot be detected unless a chest X-ray is taken. Haemothorax is potentially lethal; at least 200 ml of blood should be there to obscure costophrenic angle on an X-ray. Traumatic Pneumothorax this occurs following penetrating or non-penetrating chest injuries.

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Restart thyroxine administration 2 to 3 days after high-dose radioiodine administration treatment plans for substance abuse buy captopril 25 mg lowest price. If the patient has been withdrawn from hormones medications qid purchase captopril 25mg, thyroxine can be started 2 to 5 days after radioiodine has been administered medicine quiz discount 25 mg captopril with visa. Radioisotope therapy Rationale Radioisotope therapy aids in the detection and earlier treatment of persistent/metastatic disease by destroying normal thyroid tissue medicine 2000 quality captopril 25 mg, destroying microscopic foci of cancer in the thyroid remnant, and aiding in the interpretation of Tg results during follow-up. It may be used for ablation of the thyroid remnant or for treatment of residual or recurrent disease. High cumulative doses may reduce fertility and so sperm storage should be considered for high-risk cases. No significant difference has been found for female fertility rate, birth weights or prematurity rates. If there are miliary-type pulmonary metastases, the patient may develop pulmonary fibrosis. The risk of leukaemia and second cancer (salivary gland, breast, bladder, colon) is 0. Consider the use of high-dose corticosteroids before radioiodine if there is bulky neck disease or metastatic disease. The treatment volume usually includes the thyroid bed, cervical and supraclavicular nodes, and the superior mediastinum. It is possible that radiotherapy may reduce the uptake of radioiodine into residual thyroid tissue; therefore, consider giving radioiodine therapy before external beam radiotherapy. Radiotherapy technique: thyroid bed only the patient is positioned using an immobilisation shell, supine, usually with chin extended. The field arrangement for the planned dose is obtained using an anterior oblique wedged pair (or three-field plan with anterior and paired anterior oblique wedged fields). The maximum spinal cord dose acceptable for a 20 cm length of cord is generally 46 Gy in 2 Gy fractions. Radiation protection issues Radiation protection issues are as follow: r Exclude pregnancy and lactation before administration. The timing of return to work depends on the type of work and work personnel involved. Radiotherapy technique for thyroid bed and locoregional nodes including superior mediastinal nodes (more common) the patient is positioned using an immobilisation shell, supine, usually with chin extended. The maximum spinal cord tolerance dose for a 20 cm length of spinal cord is generally 46 Gy in 2 Gy per fraction. Many cases of differentiated thyroid cancer are not aggressive and therefore it is reasonable to allow the pregnancy to continue. Thyroidectomy in the first trimester is associated with a very high risk of abortion. There may be an increased risk of miscarriage in the first year following radioactive iodine treatment. Children Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is not routinely used in the treatment of thyroid carcinoma. Its use is restricted to symptomatic progressive disease when surgery, radiotherapy and radioactive iodine have failed. Doxorubicin is the most frequently used drug, with a reported partial response rate of approximately 20 to 30%. Papillary carcinoma is the most common form of thyroid cancer in children, with 30 to 40% of tumours multifocal; 40 to 90% are found to have involved cervical nodes at initial surgery (cf. The recurrence rate of thyroid cancer is higher in children than it is in adults, especially young children. Treatment for recurrent disease Early detection can lead to a cure or long-term survival, although one-third to one-half of patients who develop recurrence die of thyroid cancer. Local recurrence in thyroid Debulking may be beneficial even if complete resection of the tumour is not possible. Metastatic disease Treatment depends on the site of the tumour: if lung and other soft tissue sites are not amenable to surgery then treat with 131 I 3.