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By: B. Abbas, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Program Director, Chicago Medical School of Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Trends and International Comparisons Country and Regional Patterns in National R&D Intensity As discussed earlier in this chapter medicine allergy order 500 mg hydrea free shipping, the U symptoms of colon cancer hydrea 500 mg amex. Data for Japan for 1996 onward may not be consistent with earlier data because of changes in methodology shakira medicine hydrea 500mg amex. Source(s) National Science Foundation medicine checker generic hydrea 500mg line, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Patterns of R&D Resources (annual series); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Main Science and Technology Indicators (2017/1); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics Data Centre, data. Trends and International Comparisons in Science and Engineering Indicators 2014), and 8th in 2009 (as reported in Science and Engineering Indicators 2012). The high risers-across all the 8 countries considered here-have been China and South Korea. Comparisons of the Composition of Country R&D Performance the business sector is the predominant R&D performer for nearly all the current top R&D-performing nations (Table 4-6). For the United States, the business sector accounted for 72% of gross expenditures on R&D in 2015. The levels in Germany (69%), France (65%), and the United Kingdom (66%) were somewhat lower. Trends and International Comparisons R&D performed by the government accounted for about 11% of the national total in the United States in 2015. This primarily includes activities by the federal government but also includes the small amount of R&D by nonfederal government (state) performers. The other countries arrayed around the United States include China (16%), Germany (14%), and France (13%). R&D performed by the higher education sector ranged from 4% to 26% of total national R&D across these countries. China, Japan, and South Korea had substantially higher percentages, at 75%, 78%, and 75%, respectively. Funding from abroad refers to funding from businesses, universities, governments, nonprofits, and other organizations located outside of the country. Among the top R&D-performing countries, the United Kingdom is the most notable in this category, with 18% of R&D funding coming from abroad in 2015. For the United States, this share is on the high side of the range: 17% of its overall R&D in 2015, which amounted to $83. Expenditure levels by type of R&D in top panel are based on type of R&D shares in bottom panel. In some cases, the data for type of R&D shares are not as recent as total R&D performance. Trends and International Comparisons Source(s) National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Patterns of R&D Resources (annual series); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Main Science and Technology Indicators (2017/1); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics Data Centre, data. Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 the shares for applied research for these countries range from 11% (China) to 43% (United Kingdom), with the U. Nonetheless, in terms of overall volume, the United States dominates this category, with $97. The overall volume of spending by the second and third ranked countries in this category are comparatively far behind: China, at $44. With regard to experimental development, China exhibits the highest share by far-84% of its R&D total in 2015, which was $344. Presently, no database on R&D spending is comprehensive and consistent for all nations performing R&D. Year-to-year increases and declines in the level of business R&D performance greatly influence the U. R&D in the 2009­11 period owe much to the slowed growth and declines of the level of domestic business R&D in these years (Figure 4-2). Historically, companies in manufacturing industries have accounted for two-thirds or more of U. Data in this table represent an aggregate of all industries in the North American Industry Classification System codes 21­33 and 42­81. Industry classification was based on the dominant business code for domestic R&D performance, where available. For companies that did not report business codes, the classification used for sampling was assigned. Source(s) National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Business R&D and Innovation Survey (annual series). Industry classification was based on the dominant business code for domestic R&D performance.

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We recommend that the Agency seek opportunities to expand the application of successful cross-jurisdictional governance models treatment kidney infection cheap hydrea 500 mg with visa. Assistance should include provision of necessary assistance to states to facilitate understanding of numeric nutrient criteria for water quality treatment xeroderma pigmentosum order 500mg hydrea free shipping. The Agency should also identify and disseminate best practices for reducing nutrient loading and addressing emerging contaminants medications varicose veins buy 500mg hydrea with mastercard, while working to remove barriers to rapid and widespread adoption so that best practices become common practice treatment works purchase hydrea 500 mg mastercard. In particular, collaborative and science-based efforts to address nonpoint sources of these pollutants should be emphasized. In 2004 President Bush created the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force to provide strategic direction on federal Great Lakes policy, priorities and programs. We encourage creation of more such mechanisms that: target conservation funds toward impaired watersheds and are science-based; involve diverse watershed stakeholders familiar with local watershed conditions; and model interagency and cross-jurisdictional collaboration in support of locally led watershed initiatives. Furthermore, we encourage the creation of mechanisms that: incentivize suites of successful nutrient reduction strategies through cost-sharing; provide cost-share to farmers and groups for conducting water monitoring and other procedures to measure environmental performance of conservation practices; and include targeting and environmental performance measurement in grant-making criteria. Increased financial and technical assistance should be provided to help farmers overcome prohibitive costs and other barriers that hinder the implementation of operational changes aimed at freshwater conservation. Additional funds should also be directed toward capacity building at the Source Water Protection Less Costly Over Long Term Studies have shown that in the case of groundwater, protecting source water from contamination is on average 30 to 40 (and up to 200) times cheaper than dealing with the consequences of contaminated groundwater. The pollution was traced to its source, and the city provided farmers with subsidies to assist them in shifting to alternate pesticides and pest control practices. This cost the city around $30,000 total in lab analyses and subsidies to farmers, while treating for atrazine would have cost the city $108,000 annually. Freshwater Challenges watershed scale, including development of local leaders in collaborative conservation, so that more local people are equipped to spearhead the formation of multi-stakeholder conservation efforts at the watershed scale, and strengthening of coordinating infrastructure to facilitate watershed planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation needed to achieve environmental performance. The current Principles and Guidelines for federal water resources projects were originally established in 1983, and the time has come to update them so that environmental factors are considered as thoroughly as economic factors. Just as efficiency is being heavily touted as a key tactic in the energy sector, efficient water use and delivery should be promoted as the frontline tactic for conserving and extending existing water supplies. We also need to raise awareness about the inextricable link between water and energy. Conversely, vast amounts of freshwater are necessary for energy resource extraction and electricity generation. By integrating water and energy management and policy, the nation can simultaneously improve the efficiency of use of both critical resources. A key concept that underlies efficient and environmentally wise water management is "the right water for the right use. Freshwater is a finite resource, and to meet growing demand, we need to develop policies that enable us to continue providing safe drinking water while also allowing and facilitating the use of nonpotable water in situations where it is available and safe to use for the intended purpose. Moreover, we need to develop accepted methods for practices such as water accounting. Freshwater Challenges Businesses Implement and Report on Freshwater Best Practices We recommend that the business sector take a variety of steps to help put the nation on a path to sustainable and resilient freshwater systems. First, businesses should understand and report on their water inputs, outputs and activities, and seize opportunities to enhance mitigation of water quality and quantity impacts. We also suggest that companies enhance understanding of water use efficiency along supply chains to identify opportunities and take action to measurably improve efficiencies. In addition, we recommend that businesses voluntarily share innovative and successful private-sector models for water conservation, efficiency, re-use and stormwater management. We also strongly recommend that business leaders actively collaborate with government and other stakeholders to develop and promote sustainable freshwater solutions. Governments and Utilities Invest in Development and Implementation of Measures to Increase Efficient Water Use We recommend that governments and utilities ramp up investment in research and development of new and emerging practices and technologies that improve demand-side water efficiency and reduce pollutant discharge. They should develop and promote pilot demonstration projects focused on monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of innovative water efficiency and re-use practices and technologies according to performance-based, triple-bottom-line criteria for success. Rigorous performance-based evaluation of water efficiency practices and technologies will help decision makers determine which are worthy for widespread deployment. We recommend that leaders from government agencies and other sectors collaborate with agricultural producers to develop and implement on-farm water efficiency and runoff and drainage management improvements. As noted in examples in this report, improving their operational efficiency with conservation practices is an important factor agricultural producers can control to increase their profitability, which results in them having a wealth of practical knowledge about successful onfarm improvements. Key ways farmers and ranchers can help their bottom line and maintain future production opportunities while improving watershed health include minimizing the loss of nutrients and soil, improving energy efficiency, optimizing yield and optimizing the effectiveness of nutrient and pesticide application to reduce excess. Along with incentives to act, clearer messaging is needed to raise awareness about the inextricable relationship between water efficiency and energy efficiency, which could help drive down water demand and therefore energy demand.

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As mentioned above treatment vaginal yeast infection order hydrea 500 mg, you can use the noshr option to obtain coefficients instead of subhazard ratios medications xl purchase hydrea 500mg fast delivery. It is absorbed as part of the baseline subhazard medicine 911 order hydrea 500mg mastercard, which is not directly estimated treatment 7th feb cardiff order hydrea 500mg visa. For both curves, we assume positive pelvic node involvement (pelnode==0) and tumor size set at the mean over the data. Both probabilities take into account the possibility that a distant relapse could occur instead. Multiple competing-event types Competing-risks regression generalizes to the case where more than one type of event competes with the event of interest. If you have such data, after you stset the failure event of interest, you can lump together all competing event codes into the compete option of stcrreg. It does not matter whether multiple codes represent the same competing-event type, or if they represent multiple types. Data were obtained from 170 patients in a randomized double-blind trial conducted at the Mayo Clinic from 1988 to 1992. Event codes for the etype variable Event code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Event type No event (censored) Death Transplant Histologic progression Development of varices Development of ascites Development of encephalopathy Doubling of bilirubin Worsening of symptoms Cleves (1999) analyzed these data by estimating the cause-specific hazards for each of the eight events. In the version of the data used there, the time at which any adverse event occurred was recorded, but here we record only the time of the first adverse event for each patient. We do so because we wish to perform a competing-risks analysis where we are interested in the time to the first adverse event and the type of that event. We are interested in whether treatment will decrease the incidence of histologic progression (etype == 3) as the first adverse outcome, in reference to treatment (treat), the logarithm of bilirubin level (lbili), and histologic stage at entry (stage). Because the patients entered the study at different times (entry), when stsetting the data we must specify this variable as the origin, or onset of risk. For example, consider patient 8 who experienced four adverse events at the same time: 164 stcrreg - Competing-risks regression. Rather than break ties arbitrarily, we take advantage of how importance weights (iweights) are handled by stcrreg. Importance weights are treated like frequency weights, but they are allowed to be noninteger. As such, we define the weight variable (wt) to equal one for single-record patients and to equal one divided by the number of tied events for multiple-record patients. The only further modification we need is to specify vce(cluster id) so that our standard errors account for the correlation within multiple records on the same patient. That was because we wanted stcrreg to treat each observation within patient as its own distinct spell, not as a set of overlapping spells. However, the effect is not significant, most likely as a result of observing so few failures. Cleves (1999); Lunn and McNeil (1995); and Putter, Fiocco, and Geskus (2007) (among others) describe an approach based on data duplication where both hazards can be modeled simultaneously. Such an approach has the advantage of being able to set the effects of ccr5 on both hazards as equal and to test that hypothesis. Also, you can model the baseline hazards as proportional rather than entirely distinct. However, for the least parsimonious model with event-specific covariate effects and event-specific baseline hazards, the data duplication method is no different than fitting separate models for each event type, just as we have done above. Because data duplication will reveal no simpler model for these data, we do not describe it further. Baseline hazard contributions can be obtained with predict after stcox, and they can be transformed to hazard contributions for any covariate pattern by multiplying them by the exponentiated linear predictor for that pattern. Hazard contributions represent the increments of the cumulative hazards at each event time. Variables h si 1 and h aids 1 hold the hazard contributions for ccr5 == 1, and they were obtained by multiplying the baseline contributions by the exponentiated coefficient for ccr5.

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Habitat Alteration and Pesticide Application Advise clients to: s Check pets regularly for ticks treatment for hemorrhoids discount 500mg hydrea. Pest control technicians: Inside: s Use crack and crevice pesticide applications where ticks hide medications for depression 500mg hydrea otc. Outside: s Spray or dust kennels and resting areas using pesticides labeled for that treatment symptoms underactive thyroid buy hydrea 500mg free shipping. The first indication of a potential infection may be the discovery of an attached tick treatment 2 stroke cheap 500mg hydrea amex. Disease transmission does not occur for an estimated 10 to 12 hours after feeding begins, if the tick is located and removed within that time, no infection will occur. Section 3: Chapter 14 Usually, within 7 days (from 3 to 32 days) after disease transmission, a rash appears (in 60 to 75 percent of all cases). Other skin symptoms may be hives, redness of cheeks under eyes, and swelling of eyelids with reddening of the whites of the eyes. A second set of symptoms occurs in untreated patients four to six weeks after transmission. Over half of untreated victims experience an arthritis of the large joints (primarily the knees, elbows, and wrists) intermittently or chronically. A few (10 to 27 percent) experience neurological effects, including severe headache, stiff neck, facial paralysis, weakness, and, possibly, pain of the chest or extremities. In fact, diagnosis of the disease in dogs in an area is a harbinger of human cases to follow. Often aching in the lower back and headaches around the head and eyes will also occur. This genus of ticks contains the greatest number of species of the hard ticks and they transmit diseases around the world. The northern deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, is the carrier (called a vector) of Lyme disease in the eastern and midwestern United States. There are many other Ixodes in the United States, and what part they will play in Lyme disease transmission is not yet known. The American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis is the eastern, central United States, and Pacific coast vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The American dog tick then became the principal vector of the disease and has carried it around the world. The lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, ranges in the southeastern quarter of the United States from Texas to northern Missouri and east to New Jersey. Responses to Lyme Disease: Education this serious disease can be expected to increase. Technicians should clearly instruct their clients that there are no easy or effective control measures that state or federal agencies can perform. They encounter infected ticks in camps and parks, on hikes, or at play in areas where deer and mice abound. It is an acute infectious disease characterized by pain in muscles and joints, fever, and spotty, red skin eruptions. At least four to six hours elapse after the American dog tick begins feeding before disease transmission begins. Nymphs are close in size to the adult-a little less than 1/6 inch, or the size of the head of a pin. Tiny larvae hatch and feed on white-footed mice and other mice in the late summer. The body of the nymph is tan with black legs and a black shield (scutum) near its front. Nymphs climb vegetation and attach to passing animals such as dogs, cats, horses, cattle, raccoons, opossums, migrating birds, and humans, as well as mice. Nymphs live in what is classically called the "whitefooted mouse habitat," where larvae fed the previous late summer. This habitat is best described as woodlands: bushy, low shrub woodland edge regions and grassy areas that border woodlands. The mice travel in trails and nest almost anywhere they can find a sheltered depression.