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By: G. Ketil, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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Multiple types of reference states are in use to hypertension nclex questions buy cheap lasix 100 mg on line furnish a start heart attack under 40 purchase lasix 40 mg otc, baseline or reference condition for comparison with the current conditions (Table 4 arteria vesicalis best 100 mg lasix. A salutary warning of the danger of a lack of baseline was given by Alexander von Humboldt in 1848 hypertension goals jnc 8 discount 100mg lasix amex, as reported by Gritzner (1981), that travellers unfamiliar with arid lands are "easily led to adopt the erroneous inference that absence of trees is a characteristic of hot climates" where in reality, the area had long been degraded by the enormous caravans that crossed the Sahara. Clearly Humboldt recognized the difference between Types i and vi degradation (Table 4. This is similar to the "utilitarian" concept of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Hassan et al. A target condition is based on a deliberate choice and is therefore context-dependent. For example, in the case of long-standing cropland agriculture, sustained and healthy crop production, rather than the natural land cover, is the target. This is perhaps the most important reference for policy purposes, since it represents a desired future state, the achievement of which can be measured and monitored. It also usually not possible to treat a single service alone since any gain in one can cause a loss of another, so trade-offs are normal, and the choices involved can also change. Furthermore, in many regions and ecosystems, this potential is also not static because of ongoing regional and global changes such as climate change and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. The concept shares some features of models since a set of a priori definitions based on socioeconomic and biophysical factors are selected and then used to classify types of degradation. They are derived from qualitative studies of the physical and human aspects of selected degradation case studies. While attractive as summaries of the nature of specific degradation processes, the selection of types of syndromes is not based on any objective scheme, and the concept has been applied at limited scales (Geist, 2005a; Petchel-Held et al. Although land transformation can, in itself, be considered as a form of degradation, transformed land may also enhance provisioning of specific ecosystem services, such as agricultural commodities. As such, the choice of an appropriate baseline against which to assess degradation is important. Evaluation of land degradation and restoration requires answers to the questions, "degraded relative to what This provides an objective assessment, as opposed to the selection of a target condition which is an aspiration (or a natural baseline, see 4. A historical trend can indicate undesirable changes in an ecosystem and also point to the processes of degradation that have led to the current state and restoration efforts. While highly desirable, unfortunately there are few, detailed, time-series of observations of ecosystem properties that are more than 50 years old. Adequate data to match with key characteristics of; "Current", "Ecological Integrity" or "Target" definitions Long time-series of records allow more accurate specification of trends Measurement techniques used must be known and repeated in all subsequent data collections Davis & Shaw (2001); Graumlich (1993) Gammage (2011) Storkey et al. Specify measurement techniques Land managers, farmers, foresters, biodiversity experts, environmentally-aware public and so on. Historical baselines have been used extensively for assessment of the status and trends of species and ecosystems. However, few of these records are coordinated, and start dates, repetitions and types of measurements generally differ, which makes comparisons difficult. Care must be taken to avoid a false impression of more or less degradation based on different starting dates (Pauly, 1995). Furthermore, sites may have suffered degradation before the historical baseline. This seems an obvious baseline from which to assess any trends in degradation and recovery, since it was before any human modification (Kotiaho et al. Practically, it is rare to find objective data from so far into the past (Spikins, 2000). The only data of this type are fossil deposits, pollen and also fossil parts of plants, insects and diatoms and evidence of human-induced soil erosion that can provide some indications (Hoffmann et al.

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Convenience samples are an extremely weak means of inferring any type of evidence or pattern from the data pulse pressure healthy range buy 40 mg lasix free shipping, because there is no way to hypertension with hypokalemia 100 mg lasix overnight delivery know how different these samples are from the relevant population as a whole heart attack proof purchase 40mg lasix free shipping. The data may be very useful prehypertension caffeine generic lasix 40mg with visa, however, and may be the best available given constraints. An evaluation team collecting data on schools, for example, might select two schools from the poorest communities and two from the wealthiest communities. From these four schools, they might then randomly select students for their sample. Choosing the Sampling Strategy Confirming and disconfirming cases sample: Purposeful sample in which units are drawn from cases known to confirm or contradict conventional wisdom, principle, or theory Snowball sample: Sample drawn by asking interviewees whom else to interview Conve- nience sample: Sample chosen on the basis of convenience to evaluator 363 Determining the Sample Size Even when using a random sample, there is some possibility of error; the sample may be different from the population. Statistics are used to estimate the probability that the sample results are representative of the population as a whole. Statisticians have developed theories and formulas for making these estimates and determining the appropriate sample size. This section focuses on understanding the basic concepts of statistical analysis and how to apply them to designing evaluations. In choosing the sample size, evaluators must decide how confident they need to be that the sample results accurately reflect the entire relevant population. A 95 percent confidence level means that 95 times out of 100, sample results will accurately reflect the population as a whole. If evaluators are willing to be 90 percent certain, they will be able to use a smaller sample. Having chosen the sample size, evaluators next need to determine how precise they need their estimates to be. It is the average difference between all estimates for all possible samples and the value obtained if the total population had been studied. That means that one cannot be sure, at the 95 percent confidence level, that more people in the population oppose raising taxes than favor raising them. The second is to use a table that shows the sample size needed for a given level of confidence (table 9. The smaller the population, the larger the size of the sample relative to the population as a whole. If the population is 300, for example, a sample size of 169-just over half the total population-is needed to obtain a confidence level of 95 percent. A population of 900 would require a sample size of 269-less than a third of the population. If the population exceeds the Road to Results: Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations Sample size: Number of observations in a sample Sampling error (or margin of error): Estimate of error caused by observing a sample rather than the whole Confidence interval: Range within which the true population value lies with a given probability 364 Table 9. Sample size 10 19 36 44 63 80 108 132 152 169 184 196 207 217 Population size 550 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,200 1,300 1,500 3,000 6,000 9,000 50,000 100,000+ Sample size 226 234 248 260 269 278 291 297 306 341 361 368 381 385 100,000, a sample of 385 -just 0. When sampling units (such as districts, schools, teachers, parents, or citizens) for voluntary participation in an evaluation, there is no assurance that all those selected will be found (even with the most up-to-date of sampling frames), respond to a request for participation, or respond affirmatively to participate in the evaluation. Because of this phenomenon, many evaluators oversample, that is, they select a larger sample than is actually needed in order to end up with the sample size they need. When the actual response rate differs from the planned by 10 percent or more, the likelihood of response bias is high and requires analysis (see Chapter Data Collection Instruments). Tools available on the Internet identify the population size needed to achieve a given confidence level and margin of error. Choosing the Sampling Strategy Response rate: Percentage of intended sample from which data are actually collected 365 Table 9.

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The most reported side effect of transdermal testosterone therapy was unwanted (non-scalp) hair growth (9% in the treatment group vs blood pressure medication yeast infections generic 40 mg lasix otc. Endometrial effect Theoretically blood pressure medication without food lasix 100 mg lowest price, androgen therapy could lead to blood pressure medication beta blocker purchase 40 mg lasix otc endometrial hypertrophy by peripheral aromatization of androgens to blood pressure visual chart order 40 mg lasix with mastercard estrogen. A retrospective study on nearly 260 postmenopausal women using estrogen implants as well as testosterone implants identified an endometrial thickness of >5 mm in 17%, in which in almost two thirds an endometrial polyp was found. On the other hand, androgens are also believed to be associated with endometrial atrophy. These findings suggest that androgen replacement probably leads to an increase of endometrial atrophy. When using estrogen replacement along with testosterone treatment, it is advisable to also add progestin therapy for endometrial safety, as was discussed in section 12. Long-term follow-up data of the effect of androgen therapy on the endometrium is not available. Breast cancer risk None of the studies conducted to date showed an increased risk of breast cancer associated with the use of testosterone, but conclusive data on long-term safety are not yet available (Davis and Davison, 2012). After using testosterone patches for over 1 year on average, no increase in breast cancer incidence compared with that of the Australian reference population was identified during a follow-up of six years (Davis, et al. The combination of methyltestosterone with estrogen was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (relative risk 2. The major complaint in transdermal use of testosterone is application site effects, leading to a discontinuation of the transdermal patches in 4% in a surgically postmenopausal group (Simon, et al. Most studies have only prescribed androgen replacement for the duration of the trial, 6 to 12 months on average, and no evidence on efficacy and safety is available after 24 months. It seems wise to evaluate the baseline testosterone concentration before treatment is started, and continue to measure this every 3 to 6 months. The effect of the treatment should be evaluated and if no improvement of sexual function is seen, treatment should be discontinued. Recommendations Women should be informed that androgen treatment is only supported by limited data, and that long-term health effects are not clear yet. C If androgen therapy is commenced, treatment effect should be evaluated after 3-6 months and should possibly be limited to 24 months. Ovarian failure following cancer treatment: current management and quality of life. Effect of hormone replacement therapies and selective estrogen receptor modulators in postmenopausal women with uterine leiomyomas: a literature review. Postmenopausal status and early menopause as independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis. A two-year, double-blind comparison of estrogen-androgen and conjugated estrogens in surgically menopausal women. Recommendations on the risk of ischaemic stroke associated with use of combined oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy in women with migraine. The International Headache Society Task Force on Combined Oral Contraceptives & Hormone Replacement Therapy. Replens versus dienoestrol cream in the symptomatic treatment of vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. Modification of blood pressure in postmenopausal women: role of hormone replacement therapy. Postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of idiopathic venous thromboembolism: results from the E3N cohort study.

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Prevalence By far arrhythmia magnesium purchase lasix 40 mg visa, the single most common cause of Cushing syndrome today (as many as 12 cases/ 1 million people) is the use of corticosteroid medications to hypertension recipes cheap lasix 40 mg otc treat a wide variety of disease states blood pressure log chart pdf order 40 mg lasix visa, including rheumatoid arthritis blood pressure chart cholesterol generic lasix 100mg without a prescription, asthma, and multiple sclerosis. The prevalence of hypercortisolism from all other causes combined is only 13 cases per 1 million people nationally. Females are eight times more likely than males to develop hypercortisolism from a pituitary tumor and three times more likely to develop a cortisol-secreting adrenal tumor. However, hormone-producing lung tumors that cause hypercortisolism are more common in males. Significance the significance of Cushing syndrome lies primarily in the multitude of complications that can result from hypercortisolism. The majority of cases diagnosed today are the result of administering supra-physiologic doses of corticosteroid drugs for various health conditions. Common corticosteroids prescribed include prednisone, prednisolone, and methylprednisolone. This type of Cushing syndrome is often referred to as iatrogenic Cushing syndrome and is a reversible form of the disorder. Clinical manifestations are dose-dependent, and low-dose administration may not cause visible signs of hypercortisolism. This is commonly known as Cushing disease and is the most common cause of pathologic Cushing syndrome. Cortisol specifically acts in this manner by decreasing T lymphocyte proliferation and suppressing the synthesis of important chemical mediators of inflammation. This latter pathophysiologic effect is especially problematic in females, who may suffer from excessive hair growth (especially facial hair), a more masculinesounding voice, acne (which can be androgen-induced), and decreased blood flow during menses. If serum aldosterone is also significantly elevated, weight gain and blood pressure elevation from sodium and water retention may occur. Females may also suffer from signs of androgen excess, such as amenorrhea and hirsutism. Appropriate Therapy Treatment for Cushing syndrome is dependent on the specific cause of the disease. Many of the clinical manifestations of drug-induced Cushing syndrome resolve when medication is discontinued. However, to prevent an acute episode of adrenal insufficiency, the corticosteroid medication must be tapered. Another treatment option is gamma knife radiosurgery, which normalizes cortisol levels in two thirds of patients within 1 year. Conventional radiation therapy is only curative in approximately one in four patients, but provides an option for patients who are not good surgical candidates. Adrenal carcinomas that have spread outside the adrenal gland are treated systemically with the anticancer drug mitotane. If tumors cannot be resected, laparoscopic removal of both adrenal glands is recommended. When patients are not good candidates for surgery, a pharmacologic approach may be tried. Ketoconazole may be used to suppress cortisol synthesis, but liver enzymes must be monitored for hepatotoxicity. Metyrapone also inhibits cortisol synthesis but may promote masculinizing effects in females. Prognosis varies from poor to excellent and also depends on the specific cause of hypercortisolism. With slow tapering of corticosteroid doses, symptoms resolve and prognosis is excellent. Following a successful adrenalectomy, patients with a benign adrenal tumor have a 95% 5-year survival rate and a 90% 10-year survival rate. Finally, the median survival time for patients with cortisol-secreting adrenal cancer (carcinoma) is only 7 months. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health.

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