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By: S. Narkam, M.S., Ph.D.

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Previous study explained that the sensitivity of the basilar membrane at the base of the chinchilla cochlea obtained sensitivity at a frequency of around 8000 Hz which is useful for charging brain cells23 cholesterol content chart purchase 160mg fenofibrate with mastercard. This difference of frequency will be captured differently by cochlear photocopying cholesterol discount fenofibrate 160 mg on line, so the response to the brain will be different cholesterol test how long for results generic fenofibrate 160mg line. For the next study can be added from other brains composition like glia cells cholesterol lowering foods menu purchase fenofibrate 160 mg on-line, sinapsin or bdnf. Ethical Clearance: this study was received ethical approval from the Health Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. Bersujud Dalam Rahim 2: Mencerdaskan Janin Sejak DalamRahim dengan Kombinasi Stimulasi 11-14 Musik Karya Mozart 2. Perbedaan Pengaruh paparan musik Mozart,Bheethoven dan Chopin selama kebuntingan terhadap jumlah sel neuron di Cerebrum dan cerebelum Rattus norvegicus baru lahir. Influence of Prenatal Noise and Music on the Spaital Memory and Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus of Developing rats. Gamelan Gong Luang: Ritual, Time, Place, Music, And Change In A Balinese Sacred Ensemble [Thesis]. Pengukuran Frekuensi Bunyi Saron Demung Laras Pelog Gamelan JawaMenggunakan Perangkat Lunak Visual Analyser. Comparison of Fetal Biophysical Profile Changes Due to Exposure to Mozart K265 Songs at Day and Night. Efek Mozart Memanfaatkan Kekuatan Musik Untuk Mempertajam Pikiran, Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Menyehatkan Tubuh. Brain-derived 1512Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia Abstract Introduction and Objective: the high number of prevalence of anemia in women of childbearing age has reached 22. Anemia causes complication which increase maternal mortality rate, low birth weight, and stunting. Government efforts to tackle anemia through the blood tablets program have not reduced the prevalence of anemia. The coverage of blood tablets in pre-conception mothers in Tambakrejo Public Health Center is still at a low level with 64. The side effects of blood tablets such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, and black defecation often make the consumers feel uncomfortable. Material and Method: this study used an observational analytic method with a cross-sectional study design. The samples were 37 pre-conception mothers were collected through random sampling technique. The independent variables consisted of perceived susceptibility, severity, threats, benefits, barriers, and selfefficacy. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was the intensity of blood tablets in pre-conception mothers. Findings: Most pre-conception mothers have sufficient perceived of susceptibility (62. Conclusion: There is a correlation the perceived of susceptibility, severity, threats, benefits, barriers, and self-efficacy and the intensity of blood tablets in pre-conception mothers. Keywords: Health Belief Model, intensity, blood tablets, pre-conception mothers Corresponding Author: Sri Umijati Department of Public Health - Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia Mob No:+6283857265231 e-mail: sri-u@fk. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia has not been decreased, anemia in found in women of fertile age has reached 22. The Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 75 of 2013 concerning Nutritional Adequacy recommended for the Indonesian recommends that the need for Fe(iron)for women in childbearing ae is 26 mg per day. This means that when an individual feels that the disease might be prone to her and is a serious illness, the person will tend to perceived threats posed as aa health disorder. Perceived of benefits and barriers obtained may influence each other in the prevention and treatment behavior of an illness. Individuals tend to make decisions if the benefits obtained will outweigh the problems. Individuals will perform health behaviors if the individual believes that the effort he or she is doing is useful and believes that they can overcome the problems. However, these individuals still have a low awareness of the benefits obtained, which can prevent complications of anemia. Individuals with low awareness also tend feel that anemia is not a serious disease and can threaten health.

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