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Clinical Director, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

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The heart muscle is characterized by two factors: strength and speed Which increases the speed of contractionandthestrengthofcontraction,thefactors thatcontrolthespeedandstrengthoftheheartmuscle is the extent of muscle expansion before contraction, and the extent of resistance to the ventricle during contraction,thecontractionoftheheartmuscle,whichit isthebasisofheartmechanism «. Seventh: Blood velocity in the aorta: The(T)testshowedsignificantdifferencesbetween thepre-testandthepost-testinbloodoftheartery. And the speed of blood flow depends on the area oftheaorta,whichisoneofthefactorsdiameterofthe artery in addition to the blood flow coming from the strength of contraction and blood pressure, that drives thebloodcolumn,whichareallaffectedbythephysical effort,whichincreasesthespeedofflow Eighth:diameteroftheaorta: The(T)testshowedsignificantstatisticaldifferences betweenthepre-testandtheposturaltestinthediameter of the aortic artery. The Arithmetic mean before the physical exertion was (18) and its standard deviation was (3. The mathematical mean after the physical exertionwas(25)anditsstandarddeviationis(4. It shows the computational circles, standard deviations and coefficient of variation values for the research sample in biological age variables, training age, and body measurements (height - weight) Variables BiologicalAge Thetrainingage Length theweight Unit of measurement Year Year cm Kg arithmetic mean 24. Increases cardiac output in a way to increase physical effort and is accompanied by increased arterial blood pressurefortheresearchsample. Highmechanicaland chemical energy in the research sample due to high cardiacoutputandarterialbloodpressure. Increasingthe 908 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, January 2019, Vol. Thediameteroftheaorta is accompanied by changes associated with physical exertion such as increased cardiac output and arterial blood pressure. The changes under study, especially afterthephysicalexertion,showthecontrolmechanisms adaptedtothephysicaleffort. Ethical Clearance: All experimental protocols wereapprovedundertheCollegeofPhysicalEducation and Sports Sciences, Albasrah University, Iraq and all experiments were carried out in accordance with approvedguidelines. The impact of practical lessons for students of the Faculty of Physical Education in some of the standards of blood and chemical and functional and physical variables. Methods of Measuring Physical Effort in Sports, Al-Kuttab Publishing Center, Cairo,1998. Statistical Applications and ComputerApplications in Physical Education Research, Mosul, Dar Al-Kutub for Printing and Publishing,1999. The mechanical parameters of myocardial contraction studied at a constant length of the contractile element. A comparative study of some of the physiological and morphological indicators of the heart muscle according to energy systems. The Reference in Medical Physiology, translated by: SadiqAl-Hilali, University Medical Books,WorldHealthOrganization,Beirut,Lebanon, 1997. Most of the herbs and spices contains secondary metabolites in their structure, which is reported to have a biological activities. The side effects of misuse of antibiotics inspired the scientists and researchers to searchfornewalternativemethodthatareplantsorigin 2. Thisalternativeplantsisnoticedtocontainapositive effectsbyenhancetheappetite,improvefoodintakevia increasethedigestiveactivity,enhanceimmunesystem, regulatesofmicrofloraanditalsoithaveanantioxidant activity and antibacterial effects in their structure 3-5. It has been observed that ethanoicextractofEruca sativa containsaprophylactic and treatment activity toward oxidative stress through decrease the free radical by increasing antioxidant molecules 7-9. A study showed that Eruca sativa was abletoreducethenegativeeffectsofabamectin,which iscausedarenaldamagetotherats. AlsoEruca sativa extract led to improve the kidney parameters such as urea,creatinineandserumuricacidintheratsthatwere given abamectin. Suggesting that Eruca sativa could be used as therapeutic agent for kidney dysfunction 10. Also theeffectedthyroidtissuewasimprovedinresponseto given a Eruca sativa, suggesting its have a protective roleagainstthyroidsproblemssuchasgoiter [11].

Clinical trials have documented a better outcome after large-volume paracentesis with the simultaneous infusion of intravenous albumin hypertension kidney disease digoxin 0.25mg without prescription. Intravenous salt-poor albumin should be used routinely in patients undergoing large-volume paracentesis blood pressure very high digoxin 0.25mg low price. As a rule of thumb arteria aorta abdominal discount 0.25 mg digoxin visa, salt-poor albumin (~10 g/L of ascitic fluid) is infused concomitantly intravenously blood pressure medication diarrhea discount digoxin 0.25 mg otc. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis must be suspected in patients with known liver disease who present with fever, leukocytosis, and abdominal pain. Cell count of the ascitic fluid is diagnostic if the polymorphonuclear neutrophil count is 250 in the absence of a visceral source of infection. A third-generation cephalosporin such as ceftriaxone or cefotaxime generally is the first-line therapy until a specific organism has been selected on the basis of ascitic fluid culture. Most common organisms are Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Antibiotics with a nephrotoxic profile, such as aminoglycosides, should be avoided if at all possible. Refractory ascites may be treated by the placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt insertion lowers the rate of ascites recurrence and the risk of developing hepatorenal syndrome compared with paracentesis plus albumin administration in patients with refractory ascites. However, a recent meta-analysis documented increased encephalopathy and absence of improvement in survival. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt insertion is also recommended in the treatment of patients with severe ascites and imminent rupture of umbilical/ventral hernia or hepatic hydrothorax. Operative therapy with placement of a peritoneovenous shunt may be considered in patients with mild, stable liver dysfunction who are otherwise refractory to less invasive therapies. Although shunting is a simple surgical procedure, the incidence of postoperative complications is high, related to infection, coagulopathy, congestive heart failure, and early shunt occlusion. Patients with severe or rapidly deteriorating liver dysfunction should be considered for liver transplantation. The prevalence of hepatorenal syndrome in patients with end-stage cirrhosis ranges between 7% and 15%. It is associated with marked abnormalities in the arterial circulation and activity of the endogenous vasoactive system. Hepatorenal syndrome is caused by severe vasoconstriction of the renal circulation. The most commonly accepted explanation is the arterial vasodilation theory, which proposes that renal hypoperfusion represents the extreme manifestation of underfilling of the arterial circulation secondary to massive vasodilation of the splanchnic circulation. Splanchnic vasodilation is caused by nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and vasodilator peptides. In the early phase, urine output and renal function are maintained by renal vasodilator factors. Hepatorenal syndrome develops later, when vasoconstriction ensues from relative hypovolemia. Hepatorenal syndrome may be precipitated by concomitant illnesses or may occur spontaneously. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is the most common precipitating factor of hepatorenal syndrome in patients with cirrhosis. Symptoms and Signs-Hepatorenal syndrome occurs as a complication of cirrhosis, more commonly in patients with ascites. Dominant features are marked renal failure, oliguria or anuria, and high levels of urea and creatinine. Laboratory Findings-Laboratory findings in hepatorenal syndrome include a creatinine clearance of less than 40 mL/min or a serum creatinine concentration of more than 1. Anesthesia reduces cardiac output, induces splanchnic vasodilation, and causes a 30­50% reduction in hepatic blood flow.

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In another study blood pressure gap buy cheap digoxin 0.25 mg on-line, infection was absent in two-thirds of survivors but present in two-thirds of nonsurvivors blood pressure medication and ed cheap 0.25 mg digoxin otc. The major infection sites were the lungs or pleura hypertension diabetes digoxin 0.25 mg, the abdomen pre hypertension nursing diagnosis discount 0.25mg digoxin with mastercard, soft tissues, and other locations, and about 5% had multiple sites of infection. Among pneumonias, gram-negative organisms were found in 58% and were related to endotracheal intubation and prolonged need for ventilatory support. A primary infection site may be easily identified, but in doubtful cases, occult lung and abdominal sources must be investigated. Antibiotics should be selected on the basis of clinical findings and epidemiologic data. The diagnosis is difficult to confirm, but new or changing infiltrates, fever, purulent sputum, and worsening gas exchange are usually to make the diagnosis. When given by inhalation in low concentration, it selectively dilates pulmonary vessels in well-ventilated regions of the lung, and it is rapidly inactivated before reaching the systemic circulation. Clinical trials have shown improvement in gas exchange probably because of improved distribution of pulmonary perfusion. Diuretics should be used judiciously to avoid volume depletion and compromise of right and left ventricular filling. These drugs also stimulate sodium and water transport by alveolar epithelial cells, perhaps helping to resolve pulmonary edema. The role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, and other drugs such as ketoconazole and pentoxifylline remains unclear despite small studies showing potential benefit. In most, gas exchange improves, at least transiently, but survival is not improved. Because of increased lung permeability, pulmonary edema is maintained at pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressures that are normal or low. It is argued that resolution of pulmonary edema would be facilitated by lowering microvascular hydrostatic pressure with diuretics and fluid restriction. On the other hand, there is concern about oxygen delivery to the tissues in the face of intravascular volume depletion. These factors suggest that volume expansion may be needed and that diuretics and negative fluid balance should be avoided. These trials have the problem of self-selecting patients with better prognoses, but they nonetheless suggest that fluid balance may be an important determinant of outcome. There was no detrimental effect on nonpulmonary organ system function despite low fluid intake. In one, a more "conservative" strategy of fluid replacement was compared with a more liberal one. Over the first 7 days, there was a very small negative cumulative fluid balance for the conservative protocol; the liberal protocol resulted in a mean positive fluid balance of nearly 7000 mL. There were more arrhythmias seen with the pulmonary artery catheter, but no differences in incidence of renal failure or use of vasopressors, diuretics, or dialysis. Hypoxemia could not be corrected adequately by administration of high concentrations of oxygen, and survival was often less than 3 days after onset. Accordingly, treatment focused on reversing hypoxemia with positive endexpiratory pressure, changes in ventilator management, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Despite significantly improved hypoxemia, these measures have had little or no effect on outcome. On the other hand, a few studies do find a correlation between outcome and severity of respiratory failure, but more closely with initial response to therapy. Probably because of decreased organ-system reserve, patients over age 70 in this report had a mortality rate of 82%. Because the inflation limb requires higher pressures at the same lung volume than the deflation limb, a relatively high transpulmonary pressure may be needed initially to "open" lung units. For subsequent breaths, the pressure needed for inflation is considerably smaller.

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False aneurysms usually are due to prior dissection blood pressure medication new zealand cheap digoxin 0.25mg otc, trauma hypertension of chronic kidney disease is medicated with buy generic digoxin 0.25 mg, prior great vessel surgery blood pressure chart american medical association purchase digoxin 0.25 mg without prescription, or rarely blood pressure medication purchase 0.25 mg digoxin with mastercard, tumor. Descriptively, both true and false aneurysms are either saccular or fusiform (Figure 23­1). Classification of great vessel aneurysms based on location and extent is helpful for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy. Aneurysms that involve the arch are more technically complex than those isolated to the ascending or descending aorta. Because they usually require circulatory arrest for repair, they have an increased potential for neurologic injury. Repair of aneurysms that traverse the diaphragm are more prone to cause paraplegia because of their proximity to the arterial supply of the anterior spinal artery. Aneurysms that involve the aortic root are likely to require coronary reimplantation Copyright © 2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hence they have increased risk for myocardial ischemia and the potential complications associated with valvular surgery. Extensive aneurysms of the entire aorta may require a staged approach with initial replacement of the ascending aorta, followed by the arch, and subsequently by the descending thoracic and abdominal portions. Aneurysms presumably cause symptoms by expansion, compression of local structures, distal embolism of contained material, secondary dissection, and either contained or free rupture. Aortic Transection-Aortic transection occurs most commonly after significant blunt trauma and generally occurs at points of relative aortic fixation-in descending order of frequency, near the ligamentum arteriosus, at the diaphragmatic hiatus, at the ascending aorta, and at the abdominal aorta. Shearing stress from rapid deceleration has been regarded as the primary biomechanism of this injury, but recent evidence suggests that lateral-impact collision forces with simultaneous acceleration of the victim and increased hydrostatic pressure within the aorta also may be important mechanisms. Early symptomatic presentation usually is exsanguinating rupture or distal dissection, whereas late presentation is in the form of a pseudoaneurysm. Aortic transection occasionally is due to penetrating violent injury or to iatrogenic trauma during cardiac or other surgery. Aortic Dissection-Aortic and other great vessel dissections represent pathologic separation of the vessel layers, thereby creating a true lumen and a false one. Mechanistically, rupture of the vasa vasorum is probably the most important inciting event. It is not clear whether spontaneous bleeding into the aortic wall (ie, intramural hematoma) may cause aortic dissection. Once the intimal tear occurs, there is progressive separation of the adventitia and the intima. This separation typically propagates distally but occasionally may extend proximally. As the separation extends, branch vessels may be themselves dissected, occluded, or completely unaffected depending on the location and extent of the aortic dissection. The dissection then either reenters the true lumen via a second or third tear in the intima or creates a blind pouch. These "neostructures" then may remain permanently patent because of continued flow down the false channel, or they may thrombose owing to stasis. These dynamics of aortic dissection are a function of the balance between tissue strength and continued shear forces. Shear forces, in turn, are determined by blood pressure, change in blood pressure with time (dP/dT), size and location of the intimal tear, and blood vessel diameter. Two classification schemes are used commonly, based on the location and extent of dissection-the Stanford and DeBakey classifications. A Stanford type A dissection begins in the ascending or transverse aorta with variable amounts of aortic involvement. Type B dissections begin distal to the takeoff of the last great vessel, usually the left subclavian artery. By comparison, a type I DeBakey lesion is analogous to an extensive Stanford type A dissection. Both begin in the ascending aorta and extend across the arch and down the descending aorta. These classification schemes are vital to management and prognosis, with particular emphasis on identifying involvement of the ascending aorta.

Acetaminophen poisoning: An evidence-based consensus guideline for out-of-hospital management blood pressure by palpation cheap 0.25mg digoxin otc. Acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: Results of a United States multicenter arrhythmia uk digoxin 0.25 mg discount, prospective study prehypertension meaning in hindi buy digoxin 0.25 mg overnight delivery. The acute overdose group blood pressure medication first line buy digoxin 0.25 mg, on the other hand, ingests this drug intentionally, and the acutely elevated levels cause these patients to be more symptomatic and therefore easier to diagnose. Acute ingestions of over 150 mg/kg are commonly associated with symptoms of toxicity. Pulmonary and neurologic complications are less common in this group, and the mortality rate is only 2%. Symptoms and Signs-Patients with mild to moderate salicylate toxicity present with nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, diaphoresis, and hyperventilation (eg, hyperpnea or tachypnea), confusion, and lethargy. In cases of severe poisoning, convulsions, coma, and respiratory or cardiovascular failure may occur. These symptoms of coma, seizures, hyperventilation, and dehydration are more common in patients with chronic poisoning and are observed at lower salicylate levels (35­50 mg/dL). Pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, gastritis with hematemesis, and hyperpyrexia are observed occasionally. Laboratory Findings-Salicylate levels are important in the management of these patients. This peak may be delayed or prolonged if the patient ingested enteric-coated preparations or if the patient develops gastric concretions of aspirin after a massive ingestion. The Done nomogram (Figure 36­2) estimates the severity of acute salicylate toxicity; it does not apply in the patient with chronic toxicity. Levels obtained 6 hours or more after an acute ingestion can be plotted on the nomogram and extrapolated to obtain the level of severity. Common laboratory findings in a patient suffering from salicylism are an elevated anion gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. Other laboratory abnormalities may include a prolonged prothrombin time, thrombocytosis, hypernatremia, hyper- or hypoglycemia, ketonemia, lactic acidemia, hypokalemia, and elevated liver transaminases. A urine Phenistix test is usually positive, as is the ferric chloride test (5­10 drops of 10% ferric chloride solution added to urine that has been boiled for 1­2 minutes will turn the solution a burgundy color). Absorption kinetics assume acute (one-time) ingestion of non-enteric-coated preparation. Decontamination-Gastric lavage should be performed in any patient with an ingestion of over 100 mg/kg within 1 hour before presentation. Gastric lavage also should be considered in patients who have ingested massive amounts of salicylates because they are prone to develop intragastric or intraintestinal concretions; lavage may be helpful as late as 12­24 hours after ingestion in these cases. Repeated-dose activated charcoal administration should be considered in patients with a significant exposure. Alkaline Therapy-Alkalinization is the mainstay of therapy for salicylate poisoning. It is indicated for patients with significant acidemia and for those with blood salicylate levels of over 35 mg/dL. In an alkaline environment, salicylates remain in an ionized form and do not easily diffuse into tissues. Alkalinization of the urine leads to trapping of the salicylates in the renal tubules and facilitates excretion. An adequate serum potassium level is required before urinary alkalinization can be achieved, and patients Differential Diagnosis Because salicylism often presents with altered mental status and an increased metabolic state, other entities that cause this combination should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Stimulants are the primary toxicologic cause, and meningitis, sepsis, or encephalitis are possible infectious sources. Pneumonia, renal failure, diabetic ketoacidosis, and alcoholic ketoacidosis also should be considered. General Considerations may require potassium supplementation to ensure adequate blood levels. Patients receiving bicarbonate therapy should be evaluated serially for the possible development of cerebral or pulmonary edema.

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