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In Chapter 5 we discussed the importance of the prefrontal cortex for the complex medications medicare covers best pristiq 100 mg, multifaceted function of intelligence medications given for adhd order 100 mg pristiq with amex, which we define as the ability to adjust by reasoning to new changes medications vascular dementia 50 mg pristiq fast delivery, to solve new problems medications related to the female reproductive system buy 100mg pristiq visa, or to create new valued forms of action and expression. In that chapter, we emphasized how much intelligence depends on other cognitive functions, notably attention, memory, and language. Here we will re-emphasize those dependencies of intelligence, especially on language, and the novel, creative aspects of intelligence. Between 6 and 16 years of age, the intelligence of the child experiences an enormous change toward the independence of mental life from sensory perception. Behavior becomes more cognitively driven, less stimulus-bound, and more autonomous; less reactive and more spontaneous. Its development takes place in close correlation with two undoubtedly interrelated phenomena: (1) a momentous expansion of language ability, and (2) the maturation of the prefrontal cortex, especially the cortex that covers the lateral and anterior convexity of the frontal lobe. Language development, according to Vygotsky (1986), is at the very essence of the development of intelligence in general, as well as of other cognitive functions. Language remains in that pre-eminent position, at the root of intelligence, throughout adult life. Other cognitive functions, as they develop, enhance the development of language and, with it, intelligence. Thus creative intelligence, the "intelligence from within," emerges as the aggregate outcome of intelligent attention, intelligent perception, intelligent memory, and intelligent language. Together with them, intelligent action develops, which leads to the intelligent, innovative use of language, tools, and instruments. The maturation of the prefrontal cortex of the right hemisphere seems especially important for the development of spatial creativity (Luria and Simernitskaya, 1977; Lezak, 1995). That of the left, as we all know, is important for the development of linguistic creativity, and also, arguably, for that of musical and logical creativity. Neither hemisphere, however, has exclusive control over one or another form of creativity; instead, we are dealing with a relatively greater contribution to one or the other. These representations result mostly from the divergence, not so much convergence, of lower-level representations. Convergent representation includes both inductive and deductive reasoning, which leads to logical inferences (Guilford, 1967), whereas divergent representation is free of logical constraints, leading to the free interpretations of reality from free usage of imagination. In any event, the creative cognit of new action emerges largely from divergent associations. The enormous combinatorial power of cortical networks means that the potential for new cognits or representational networks is practically infinite. Because of that openended potential for new representations, and their diverse makeup, their cortical distribution is subject to large variability. In the creative process, the prefrontal cortex is influenced by three orders of inputs: (1) inputs from the brainstem and limbic structures; (2) inputs from posterior association cortex; and (3) inputs from sensory organs. Among the limbic inputs, those from the amygdala in particular signal the motivational significance of creative associations.

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