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By: N. Lester, M.A., Ph.D.

Co-Director, University of California, Merced School of Medicine

But the eventual question we should consider is "Should an electronic emulate an acoustic exactly symptoms narcolepsy buy 3 mg risperidone free shipping, or should the electronic eventually have its own properties that can be superior to the best acoustics? That time may eventually come because (1) the electronics are improving so rapidly symptoms 4 weeks buy cheap risperidone 4 mg on-line, (2) a vast majority of pianists will start learning on electronics medications enlarged prostate order risperidone 3mg on line, and (3) with better speakers treatment cervical cancer purchase 3mg risperidone with amex, etc. Half size and three-quarter size electronic pianos should be cost effective to produce. They can be sold or rented to piano teachers and schools that rent them to the youngest students for extra income, given financial terms that guarantees positive cash flow for everybody. Today, the availability of pianos for small, young, fingers is a major limiting factor. Small pianos will benefit instrument makers financially because they will increase the number of good pianists that will need full sized pianos. Some pianists have asked their tuners to increase the down weight (with the hope of increasing finger strength), but this throws the piano out of regulation and is bad for technical development (velocity, musicality). If you are a beginner purchasing your first piano, an electronic is the obvious choice, unless you can afford a quality grand and have space for it. Even in that case, you will probably want an electronic piano also because the cost of the electronic will be negligible compared to the grand, and it gives you so many features that the grand does not have. Uprights: Acoustic uprights are less expensive than grands, they take up less space, and for small rooms, large grands may produce too much sound so that they cannot be played full blast with the lid open without hurting or even damaging the ears, not only of the pianist, but also everyone in the house. Owners of uprights too often neglect hammer voicing entirely because this neglect results in more sound. Since uprights are essentially closed instruments, the neglect of voicing is less noticeable. Uprights also tend to be less expensive to maintain, 196 because expensive repairs are not worthwhile and are not performed. Of course, there are quality uprights that are competitive with grands in feel and sound quality, but they cost as much as grands. Among uprights, spinets are the smallest and generally the least expensive pianos; most do not produce satisfactory sound, even for students. The small height of spinets limits the string length, which is the main limitation on sound output. In theory, the treble should produce satisfactory sound (there is no limitation on string length even for spinets), but most spinets are weak in the treble because of poor quality of construction; therefore, be sure to test the highest and lowest notes if you are evaluating a spinet ­ simply compare it with a larger piano. Old uprights with poor sound are generally not salvageable, no matter what their size. To position the piano, place it very close to the wall; then play middle C while pulling the piano away from the wall, until you get maximum sound. Uprights have been "obsoleted" by the electronics and there is no reason to buy a new upright, although some piano teachers and most piano stores might suggest otherwise. Many piano teachers have not had enough experience with electronics and are more accustomed to the feel and sound of the uprights and tend to recommend acoustics as "real pianos", which is a mistake. The difficulty of purchasing a quality upright, the problems encountered with having it properly "prepped" before and after delivery (see following section), and the need to keep it regulated and in tune, are not worth the slight difference in touch or tone, if any. Students above intermediate level will want a grand piano because the most technically difficult music is harder to play on most uprights and inexpensive electronic keyboards. Because of decreasing demand and profits, manufacture of uprights may cease in the near future. Grands: the advantages of most grands are: greater dynamic range (loud/soft), open structure allowing the sound to escape freely (which provides more control and expression), richer sound, faster repetition, smoother action (use of gravity instead of springs), a "true" soft pedal [(40) Soft Pedal: Hammer Voicing], better sound (easier to tune accurately) and more impressive appearance. Larger grands can be classified into two main classes, the "student grands" (those below about 6 to 7 ft), and the concert grands. The concert grands provide more dynamic range, better sound quality, superior action, and more tonal control. However, advanced pianists would not consider them to be true grands because of poorer sustain, too much percussive sound, and notes with too much harmonic content. One problem with evaluating Steinways is that the quality within each model is variable. On average, there is a significant improvement in sound quality and output with each increase in size. Grands require hammer voicing more frequently than uprights; otherwise, they become too "brilliant" or "harsh", at which point most owners will end up playing the grand with the lid closed.

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This system medicine 81 order risperidone 2 mg without prescription, devised in 1955 by nutrition scien220 Wise Food Selection 221 tists at Harvard University in cooperation with the U symptoms 2 dpo purchase 3 mg risperidone amex. Department of Agriculture treatment sciatica cheap risperidone 2mg without prescription, provides a simple symptoms of kidney stones buy risperidone 2 mg low cost, practical method to plan nutritionally adequate diets. Because nutrient composition within each group does vary from food to food, it is usually best to eat a wide assortment of foods within each of the Basic Four Food Groups. A Daily Food Guide the following plan is adapted from the 1979 Daily Food Guide developed by the U. The minimum recommended servings in the Basic Four Food Groups average about 1,200 calories, provide adequate protein, and supply the vitamins and minerals you need daily. Generally, older people need fewer calories than younger people, women need fewer than men, and bridge players and bookkeepers need fewer than tennis players and construction workers. If you are gaining unwanted weight, or if you want to lose weight, cut 222 down first from the fifth group (fats-sweets-alcohol). If you are still gaining weight, cut down next on portion sizes from the other groups. On the other hand, if you want to gain weight, eat larger or additional portions from the first four groups and include some foods from the fifth group. Fruit and Vegetable Group (4 Servings Daily) Include one good vitamin C source such as a citrus fruit or juice each day. Also frequently include deep yellow or dark green vegetables (for vitamin A) and unpeeled fruits and vegetables and those with edible seeds, such as berries (for fiber). Examples: one orange, half a medium grapefruit or cantaloupe, juice of one lemon, a wedge of lettuce, a bowl of salad, or one medium potato. This group is important for its contribution of vitamins A, C, B 1 (thiamin) and Ba (pyridoxine) and fiber, although individual foods in this group vary widely in how much of these they provide. Most dark green vegetables, if not overcooked, are also reliable sources of vitamin C and folic acid (folacin) -as are citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons), melons, berries and tomatoes. Dark green vegetables are valued for riboflavin (vitamin B2), folacin, iron and magnesium as well. Bread and Cereal Group (4 Servings Daily) this group includes all products made with whole grains or enriched flour or meal, including bread, biscuits, muffins, wames, pancakes, cooked or ready-to-eat cereals, cornmeal, flour, grits, macaroni and spaghetti, noodles, rice, rolled oats, barley and bulgur. Count as a serving 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, or ~ to % cup of cooked cereal, cornmeal, grits, macaroni, noodles, rice or spaghetti. They also provide protein and are a major source of this nutrient in vegetarian diets. Most breakfast cereals are fortified at nutrient levels higher than those Wise Food Selection 223 occurring in natural whole grain. In fact, some fortification adds vitamins not normally found in cereals (vitamins A, Bm C and D). There is no nutritional reason to pay inflated prices for over-fortified breakfast cereals to obtain vitamins present in other foods in your diet. Milk and Cheese Group (2 to 4 Servings Daily) this group includes milk in any form: whole, skim, lowfat, evaporated, buttermilk and nonfat dry milk. Milk used in cooked foods-such as creamed soups, sauces and puddings-can count toward filling your daily quota in this group. The number of recommended daily servings varies as follows: children under 9, 2 to 3 servings; children 9 to 12, 3 servings; teens, 4 servings; adults, 2 servings; pregnant women, 3 servings; nursing mothers, 4 servings. They contribute riboflavin, protein and vitamins A, Ba, and B 12, and also provide vitamin D when fortified with this vitamin. Fortified (with vitamins A and D) lowfat or skim milk products have most of the nutrients of whole milk products, but have fewer calories. Meat and Alternates Group (2 Servings Daily) this group includes beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish (shrimp, oysters, crabs, etc. Count 2 to 3 ounces of lean cooked meat, poultry or fish without bone as a serving.

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He also admitted there was no evidence to support this hypothesis in 1970 treatment impetigo purchase risperidone 2mg without prescription, but claimed than an experiment by Schwerdt and Schwerdt4° does offer support medicine urology generic 3 mg risperidone with visa. The "control" cultures had no vitamin C added treatment h pylori purchase 2mg risperidone otc, while the test dishes contained vitamin C plus glutathione medicine 94 proven risperidone 4mg, a vitamin C stabilizer. After about 48 hours, there was considerably less viral reproduction in the vitamin C dish than in the control dish. The authors suggest that the presence of vitamin C increased the amount of interferon released from the infected cells. Siegel41 demonstrated in mice that vitamin C increased interferon production during stimulation with infective agents. Also, mouse cells in tissue culture, stimulated with simulated viral nucleic acid as the attacker, produced more interferon in the presence than in the absence of vitamin C. In 1975, Geber and co-workers42 injected mice with vitamin C and later stimulated their white blood cells with a virus-like chemical. The vitamin C mice produced more interferon in their white cells than did the control mice. However, injection of mice with an aspirin-like drug produced an even greater production of interferon. Obviously, a great deal more work has to be done to clarify the relationship between vitamin C and interferon. Antihistamine Effect of Vitamin C Histamine in varying amounts is almost always released in the tissues of the respiratory tract by an allergic-type response to the stress of common cold infections. Perhaps the first clue that animals and humans might use vitamin C to combat stress that involves histamine release came in 1940 from the research team led by the co-discoverer of vitamin C, Professor Charles Glen King of Columbia University. His group43 showed that stressing rats with certain drugs stimulated their bodies to synthesize extra vitamin C. Later, evidence was presented to support the belief that animals, such as the rat, who can make their own supply of vitamin C, react to histamine by producing extra vitamin C. Long44 provided further evidence that vitamin C plays a part in the prevention or moderation of allergy reactions involving histamine in man and animals. In 1974, two other research teams46 ·47 found that rats given vitamin C along with histamine-releasing drugs had decreased amounts of histamine in their urine. Rats and guinea pigs were stressed, some with and some without vitamin C supplements, by a variety of stressing challenges. The stressing conditions included injections with vaccines, toxoids, and certain physical stresses. In all cases, large doses of vitamin C reduced the stress symptoms and reduced the amount of histamine in the urine. These experiments support the idea that vitamin C acts somewhat like an antihistamine in reducing the symptoms of a cold. If so, should it be done daily or only at the first sign of a cold or other infection? Thomas Chalmers5 concluded in 1975: "I, who have colds as often and as severe as those of any man, do not consider the very minor potential benefit that might result from taking vitamin C three times a day for life worth either the effort or the risk, no matter how slight the latter might be. Supplementation with larger amounts of vitamin C has not been shown to be more effective, and it may cause diarrhea or have other adverse effects. Some doctors believe that under these circumstances, a supplement of 250 mg-but never more than 500 mg per day for a few days-may aid in recovery. Jarvis, Professor of Health Education at Loma Linda University and a noted authority on quackery, points out that since ancient times, humans have sought at least four different "magic potions"-the love potion, the fountain of youth, the cure-all and the athletic superpill. Megadoses of vitamin E are being recommended by vitamin hucksters and ill-informed physicians for the treatment of acne, atherosclerosis, cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, sexual frigidity, infertility, habitual abortion, high blood cholesterol, muscular dystrophy, peptic ulcer, rheumatic fever, and blood clots. Vitamin E is being claimed to increase stamina, prolong life and protect against the effects of atmospheric pollution. It is also being added to after-shave lotions, soaps, underarm deodorants and so-called skin conditioners! Albert Vogelsang, published several reports of their vitamin E treatments between 1946 and 1970 (see Chapter 9). Wilfrid Shute also co-authored a book in 1969 recommending 200 to 600 units dai1y and claiming favorable results with hundreds of heart patients. Olson, 1 Robert Hodges 2 ·3 and Terence Anderson, 4 ·5 found no benefit from vitamin E therapy for angina pectoris in well-designed studies published between 1946 and 1972. Hodges, an internationally renowned nutrition scientist, concluded that "massive doses of vitamin E are useless in the prevention or treatment of coronary heart disease.

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