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We next turn to disorders that may Pervasive Developmental Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders Learning Disorders: Problems with the Three Rs What Are Learning Disorders Understanding Learning Disorders Treating Learning Disorders Disorders of Disruptive Behavior and Attention What Is Conduct Disorder In the final section arthritis in the neck natural treatment naprosyn 250 mg discount, we examine briefly other disorders of childhood what does arthritis in fingers feel like buy naprosyn 250mg with mastercard, which have symptoms that can overlap with those of other psychological disorders or problems arthritis knee rheumatoid best naprosyn 500mg. Individuals and their family members can become adept at managing arthritis relief for neck buy naprosyn 500 mg mastercard, compensating for, and working around the symptoms of these disorders. Neurological factors are often the most direct cause of many of the disorders discussed in this chapter, such as mental retardation and learning disorders; psychological and social factors may play a role, but often only an indirect one. For instance, poor pregnant mothers and children raised in poverty (social factor) may be more likely to be exposed to substances that cause certain types of mental retardation in children. Psychological and social factors also play a role in how well an individual adapts to and compensates for his or her disorder. For many of the disorders in this chapter, the specific mechanisms of feedback loops among the three factors are not as well documented as they are for disorders discussed in most other chapters. For this reason, some of the sections that describe the contributions of neurological, psychological, and social factors do not include information on feedback loops among these factors. The term intellectual disability is sometimes used as a synonym for mental retardation. People in this mild Childhood Disorders 6 2 7 range may be able to function relatively independently with training but usually need additional help and support during stressful periods. Although they are not able to function independently, with training and supervision, people in this group may be able to perform unskilled work and take basic care of themselves. Adults in this group are likely to live with their family or in a supervised setting and are able to perform simple tasks only with close supervision. People in this group need constant supervision or help to perform simple tasks; they are likely to have significant neurological problems. In this scene Penn is shown with Michelle Pfeiffer, who plays his lawyer in his fight to retain custody of his young daughter. An assessment of possible neurochemical or physical factors that might help explain the recent onset of these symptoms yielded no significant diagnostic information. Specifically, when asked to go alone to any dark place [including the dark stairwell in his group home, where Larry must go to carry out his assigned chore of taking down the trash], he became agitated, resisted, and made loud statements about monsters and scary faces. Even if the residence staff excused him from this task, Larry would remain agitated because he believed he was shirking an important responsibility. Like people of normal intelligence, people with mental retardation exhibit a wide variety of personality characteristics: Some are passive or easygoing, and others are impulsive or aggressive; those who have severe or profound mental retardation-or even moderate mental retardation, like Larry-may have difficulty communicating 14 1 Th Four L l of 14. As the graph indicates, most people with mental retardation fall in the mild range, with increasingly smaller numbers of people having more severe retardation. Unfortunately, people with mental retardation are more likely than average to be exploited or abused by others. Understanding Mental Retardation There are many neurological paths to mental retardation, some of which arise because the fetus is exposed to certain types of substances (such as drugs or a virus) or to other stimuli (such as radiation); such harmful substances and stimuli are referred to as teratogens. Mental retardation may also arise from particular complications during labor (such as occurs when a newborn receives insufficient oxygen during birth) or from exposure to high levels of lead prenatally or during childhood (which can occur when young children eat lead-based paint chips or inhale lead-based dust from sanded paint; prior to 1978, lead was an ingredient used in paints).

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The formal academic program itself normally proceeded arthritis relief medication naprosyn 250 mg overnight delivery, as a matter of course rheumatoid arthritis risk factors discount naprosyn 500 mg mastercard, from copying from drawings and engravings arthritis pain relief in hips generic 500 mg naprosyn otc, to drawing from casts of famous works of sculpture arthritis pain types generic naprosyn 500 mg free shipping, to drawing from the living model. To be deprived of this ultimate stage of training meant, in effect, to be deprived of the possibility of creating major art works, unless one were a very ingenious indeed, or simply, as most of the women aspiring to be painters ultimately did, restricting oneself to the "minor" fields of portraiture, genre, landscape, or still life. It is rather as though a medical student were denied the opportunity to dissect or even examine the naked human body. There exist, to my knowledge, no historical representations of artists drawing from the nude model which include women in any other role but that of the nude model itself, an interesting commentary on rules of propriety: that is, it is all right for a ("low," of course) woman to reveal herself naked-as-an object for a group of men, but forbidden to a woman to participate in the active study and recording of naked-man-as-an-object or even of a fellow woman. A slightly earlier drawing, Ladies in the Studio by the Polish artist Daniel Chodowiecki, shows the ladies portraying a modestly dressed member of their sex. In a lithograph dating from the relatively liberated epoch following the French Revolution, the lithographer Marlet has represented some women sketchers in a group of students working from the male model, but the model himself has been chastely provided with what appears to be a pair of bathing trunks, a garment hardly conducive to a sense of classical elevation; no doubt such license was considered daring in its day, and the young ladies in question suspected of doubtful morals, but even this liberated state of affairs seems to have lasted only a short while. In an English stereoscopic color view of the interior of a studio of about 1865, the standing, bearded male model is so heavily draped that not an iota of his anatomy escapes from the discreet toga, save for a single bare shoulder and arm: even so, he obviously had the grace to avert his eyes in the presence of the crinoline-clad young sketchers. A photograph by Thomas Eakins of about 1885 reveals these students modeling from a cow (bull I have gone into the question of the availability of the nude model, a single aspect of the automatic, institutionally maintained discrimination against women, in such detail simply to demonstrate both the universality of this discrimination and its consequences, as well as the institutional rather than individual nature of but one facet of the necessary preparation for achieving mere proficiency, much less greatness, in the realm of art during a long period. One could equally well examine other other dimensions of the situation, such as the apprencticeship system, the academic educational pattern which, in France especially, was almost the only key to success and which had a regular progression and set competitions, crowned by the Prix de Rome which enabled the young winner to work in the French Academy in that city-unthinkab1e for women, of course-and for which women were unable to compete until the end of the 19th century, by which time, in fact the whole academic system had lost its importance anyway. It seems clear, to take France in the 19th century as an example (a country which probably had a larger proportion of women artists than any other-that is to say, in terms of their percentage in the total number of artists exhibiting in the Salon), that "women were not accepted as professional painters. In the middle of the century, there were only a third as many women as men artists, but even this mildly encouraging statistic is deceptive when we discover that out of this relatively meager number, none had attended that major stepping-stone to artistic success, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, only 7 percent had ever received any official commission or had held any official office-and these might include the most menial sort of work only 7 percent had ever received any Salon medal, and none had ever received the Legion of Honor. Deprived of encouragements, educational facilities, and rewards it is almost incredible that a certain women did persevere and seek a profession in the arts. It also becomes apparent why women were able to compete on far more equal terms with men-and even become innovators-in literature. While art making traditionally has demanded the learning of specific techniques and skills, in a certain sequence, in an institutional setting outside the home, as well as becoming familiar with a specific vocabulary of iconography and motifs, the same is by no means true for the poet or novelist. Naturally this oversimplifies the real difficulties and complexities involved in creating good or great literature, whether by man or woman but it still gives a clue as to the possibility of the existence of an Emily Bronte or an Emily Dickenson and the lack of their counterparts, at least until quite recently, in the visual arts. Of course we have not gone into the "fringe" requirements for major artists, which would have been, for the most part, both psychically and socially closed to women, even if hypothetically they could have achieved the requisite grandeur in the performance of their craft: in the Renaissance and after, the great artist, aside from participating in the affairs of an academy, might well be intimate with members of humanist circles with whom he could exchange ideas, establish suitable relationships with patrons, travel widely and freely, perhaps politic and intrigue,nor have we mentioned the organizational acumen and ability involved involved in running a major studio-factory, like that of Rubens. It is precisely the insistence upon a modest, proficient, self demeaning level of amateurism as a "suitable accomplishment" for the well brought up young woman, who naturally would want to direct her major attention to the welfare of others-family and husband-that militated, and still militates, against any real accomplishment on the part of women. It is this emphasis which transforms serious commitment to frivolous self-indulgence, busy work, or occupational therapy, and today, more than ever, in suburban bastions of the feminine mystique, tends to distort the whole notion of what art is and what kind of social role it plays. To be able to do a great many things tolerably well, is of infinitely more value to a woman, than to be able to excell in any one. By the former, she may render herself generally useful; by the latter she may dazzle for an hour. By being apt, and tolerably well skilled in everything, she may fall into any situation in life with dignity and ease-by devoting her time to excellence in one, she may remain incapable of every other. All that would occupy her mind to the exclusion of better things, all that would involve her in the mazes of flattery and admiration, all that would tend to draw away her thoughts from others and fix them on herself, ought to be avoided as an evil to her, however brilliant or attractive it may he in itself. Such an outlook helps guard men from unwanted competition in their "serious" professional activities and assures them of "wellrounded" assistance on the home front so that they can have sex and family in addition to the fulfillment of their own specialized talents at the same time. Ellis finds that it has one immediate advantage for the young lady over its rival branch of artistic activity, music-it is quiet and disturbs no one (this negative virtue, of course, would not be true of sculpture, but accomplishment with the hammer and chisel simply never occurs as a suitable accomplishment for the weaker sex); in addition, says Mrs. Drawing is, of all other occupations, the one most calculated to keep the mind from brooding upon self, and to maintain that general cheerfulness which is a part of social-and domestic duty. It can also," she adds, "be laid down and resumed, as circumstance or inclination may direct, and that without serious loss. For such men, the "real" work of women is only that which directly or indirectly serves the family; any other commitment falls under the rubric of diversion, selfishness, egomania, or, at the unspoken extreme, castration. The circle is a vicious one, in which philistinism and frivolity mutually reinforce each other. Craik, having shot her bolt in the course of her novel, is content, finally, to let her heroine, whose ultimate greatness the reader has never been able to doubt, sink gently into matrimony. That achievement in the arts, as in any field of endeavor, demands struggle and sacrifice is undeniable; that this has certainly been true after the middle of the 19th century, when the traditional institutions of artistic support and patronage no longer fulfilled their customary obligations, is also undeniable.

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