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By: N. Lukar, M.B.A., M.D.

Co-Director, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine

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From the cranial nerve nuclei medications prolonged qt ursodiol 600 mg line, there are ascending afferent tracts treatment tracker order ursodiol 600mg with visa, which include the vestibular medicine pill identification order 300 mg ursodiol otc, acoustic medicine 5325 generic 600mg ursodiol fast delivery, and visual pathways. From the subthalamic, hypothalamic, and thalamic nuclei and from the corpus striatum and the limbic system, there are further afferent tracts. Other important afferent fibers arise in the primary motor cortex of the frontal lobe and from the somesthetic cortex of the parietal lobe. Efferent Projections Multiple efferent pathways extend down to the brainstem and spinal cord through the reticulobulbar and reticulospinal tracts to neurons in the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves and the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. Other descending pathways extend to the sympathetic outflow and the craniosacral parasympathetic outflow of the autonomic nervous system. Additional pathways extend to the corpus striatum, the cerebellum, the red nucleus, the substantia nigra,the tectum,and the nuclei of the thalamus,subthalamus, and hypothalamus. General Arrangement the reticular formation consists of a deeply placed continuous network of nerve cells and fibers that extend from the spinal cord through the medulla,the pons,the midbrain,the subthalamus, the hypothalamus, and the thalamus. The diffuse network may be divided into three longitudinal columns: the first occupying the median plane, called the median column, and consisting of intermediate-size neurons; the second, called the medial column, containing large neurons; and the third, or lateral column, containing mainly small neurons. With the classic neuronal staining techniques,the groups of neurons are poorly defined, and it is difficult to trace an anatomical pathway through the network. However,with the new techniques of neurochemistry and cytochemical localization, the reticular formation is shown to contain highly organized groups of transmitter-specific cells that can influence functions in specific areas of the central nervous system. The monoaminergic groups of cells, for example, are Functions of the Reticular Formation From the previous description of the vast number of connections of the reticular formation to all parts of the nervous system,it is not surprising to find that the functions are many. It can also bring about reciprocal inhibition; for example, when the flexor muscles contract, the antagonistic extensors relax. The reticular formation, assisted by the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear and the vestibular spinal tract, plays an important role in maintaining the tone of the antigravity muscles when standing. The so-called respiratory centers of the brainstem, described by neurophysiologists as being in the control of the respiratory muscles, are now considered part of the reticular formation. The reticular formation is important in controlling the muscles of facial expression when associated with emotion. For example, when a person smiles or laughs in response to a joke, the motor control is provided by the reticular formation on both sides of the brain. This means that a person who has suffered a stroke that involves the corticobulbar fibers and exhibits facial paralysis on the lower part of the face is still able to smile symmetrically (see p. By virtue of its central location in the cerebrospinal axis, the reticular formation can influence all ascending pathways that pass to supraspinal levels. In particular, the reticular formation may have a key role in the "gating mechanism" for the control of pain perception (see p. Higher control of the autonomic nervous system, from the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, and other subcortical nuclei, can be exerted by the reticulobulbar and reticulospinal tracts,which descend to the sympathetic outflow and the parasympathetic craniosacral outflow. Either directly or indirectly through the hypothalamic nuclei, the reticular formation can influence the synthesis or release of releasing or release-inhibiting factors and thereby control the activity of the hypophysis cerebri. By means of its multiple afferent and efferent pathways to the hypothalamus, the reticular formation probably influences the biologic rhythms. Multiple ascending pathways carrying sensory information to higher centers are channeled through the reticular formation, which, in turn, projects this information to different parts of the cerebral cortex, causing a sleeping person to awaken. In fact, it is now believed that the state of consciousness is dependent on the continuous projection of sensory information to the cortex. Different degrees of wakefulness seem to depend on the degree of activity of the reticular formation. Incoming pain sensations strongly increase the activity of the reticular formation, which, in turn, greatly excites the cerebral cortex. From the above description, it must be apparent that the reticular formation,almost totally ignored in the past,is now being shown to influence practically all activities of the body. Now it is recognized, as the result of research, that the limbic system is involved with many other structures beyond the border zone in the control of emotion, behavior, and drive; it also appears to be important to memory.