Laws and decrees


Decreto 120 DE 2010 Whereby measures are taken in relation to alcohol consumption.pdf
Decree_314_de_2020-Through which maximum salary limits.pdf



ORGANIC LAW-No. 2082 DEL 18 FEBRUARY 2021 Through which the municipal category of (Capital cities).pdf
ley 1150 FROM JULY 16, 2007 Through which measures for efficiency and transparency are introduced.pdf
ley 136 DEL 02 JUNE OF 1994 Whereby regulations are issued to modernize the organization and operation of municipalities .pdf
ley 142 DEL 11 DE JULIO DE 1994 By which the Regime of the Domiciliary Public Services is established and other dispositions are dictated.pdf
ley 179 DE 30 FROM DECEMBER TO 1994 Whereby some modifications are made to the Law 38 de 1989, Organic Budget.pdf
ley 489 DE DICIEMBRE 29 DE 1998 By which norms are dictated on the organization and operation of the entities of the national order.pdf
ley 610 AUGUST 15 2000 By which the process of fiscal responsibility processes of competence of the comptroller's offices is established.pdf
ley 617 OCTOBER 06 DE 2000.pdf
ley 689 OF AUGUST 28 DE 2001 "Whereby the Law is partially modified 142 de 1994. ”pdf
ley 716 DE DICIEMBRE 24 DE 2001 By which standards are issued for the sanitation of accounting information in the public sector.pdf
ley 80 OCTOBER 28 DE1993 By which the General Contracting Statute of the Public Administration is issued The Congress of Colombia.pdf
ley 819 DE JULIO 09 DE 2003 By which organic norms are dictated in the matter of budget, responsibility and fiscal transparency and other provisions are dictated.pdf
ley 909 OF SEPTEMBER 23 DE 2004 Whereby norms are issued that regulate public employment, the administrative career, public management and other provisions are issued.pdf
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